§ Mr. David PorterTo ask the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) how many midwives have left the employment of(a) East Anglian regional health authority and (b) Great Yarmouth and Waveney district health authority in the last year for which figures are available and in each year from 1978–79;
(2) how many midwives are employed in (a) East Anglian regional health authority and (b) Great Yarmouth and Waveney district health authority in the most recent year for which figures are available; and what were the comparable figures for 1978–79.
§ Mr. Newton[holding answer 8 March 1988]: I regret that some of the information sought by my hon. Friend is not available.
Because of the NHS reorganisation in 1982, figures for district health authorities on a consistent basis are not held centrally for earlier years.
Information on staff leaving health service employment is not held centrally. My hon. Friend may wish to contact the chairmen of the respective health authorities.
Available information is shown in the table.
National health service midwifery staff in post1 at 30 September, whole time equivalents2 1978 1982 1986 East Anglian RHA 881 880 946 Great Yarmouth and Waveney DHA n/a 58 59 Source: DHSS Annual census of NHS non-medical manpower. 1 Includes student midwives and agency staff. 2 Figures rounded to nearest whole time equivalent.