HC Deb 30 June 1988 vol 136 c333W
31. Mr. Beggs

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what progress is being made on reducing unemployment in Northern Ireland by the Industrial Development Board, the Local Enterprise Development Unit and the Department of Economic Development Northern Ireland.

Mr. Viggers

Seasonally adjusted unemployment in Northern Ireland has fallen over the last year by 9,400. This is the largest annual decrease in seasonally adjusted unemployment in Northern Ireland for 15 years.

The IDB, LEDU and DED have contributed substantially to this progress. Both LEDU and the IDB were very successful last financial year. The DED continues to develop its wide range of training and support services. The efforts of these bodies to sustain progress will continue.

The Industrial Development Board and Local Enterprise Development Unit were successful in promoting 5,300 and 3,973 jobs respectively in the year ended 31 March 1988, and they assisted in the advancement of business through a range of training and support services together with the Department of Economic Development. The latest available figures show that seasonally adjusted unemployment in Northern Ireland stands at 116,700, a reduction of 9,400 in the last 12 months.

Year Number of nursing staff per occupied bed Expenditure as adjusted for: Day patient attendance Out-patient attendances Occupied in-patient beds
General inflation HCHS inflation
1976–77 Not available 46,731,654 50,215,534 12,859 25,762 4,281
1977–78 0.57 45,852,996 51.679,194 14,018 23,272 4,186
1978–79 0.61 45,435,875 51,728,084 18,465 23,059 4,100
1979–80 0.63 47,600,592 52,554,492 17,818 23,022 3,997
1980–81 0.66 51,190,850 52,354,547 17,889 35,575 3,843
1981–82 0.72 50,163,763 52,117,805 17,440 40,003 3,771
1982–83 0.74 50,685,151 53,026,416 18,371 43,271 3,642
1983–84 0.76 51,730,229 53,897,913 18,058 45,407 3,650
1984–85 0.76 52,193,316 53,694,784 22,128 49,282 3,571
1985–86 0.73 50,167,227 51,983,007 21,496 55,063 3,515
1986–87 0.79 50,611,595 50,611,595 21,653 33,439 3,291

Mr. Beggs

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland whether the consultants referred to by the hon. Member for Antrim, East,Official Report, column 1263, of 4 February designed larger windows or changed a window design provided by the Housing Executive without reference to the Housing Executive; what were the precise instructions given to those consultants by the Housing Executive in respect of the windows in the contract at Westmount avenue, Windmill, Carrickfergus; and who was responsible for the payment of increase in costs to the Housing Executive which a from a different size of window being installed.