HC Deb 23 June 1988 vol 135 cc703-5W
Mr. Redmond

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the names of sites of special interest in South Yorkshire which have been damaged or destroyed since 1981; and by what causes.

(a) SSSIS (as at 21 June 1988)
Site name Site area (ha) Habitat type Ownership
Anston stones wood 33.7 Woodland/grassland Public
Ashfield brick pits 0.6 Geological/physiographical Private
Bilham sand pits 0.2 Geological/physiographical Private
Bradgate brickworks 0.9 Geological/physiographical Private
Cadeby quarry 97.0 Geological/physiographical Private
Denaby Ings 24.5 Swamp, fen, inundation, communities, grassland Private
Edlington wood 99.7 Woodland Private
Hallam moors (part) 200.0 Moorland Public/private
Hatfield moor 199.1 Woodland, raised bog, open water Private
Houndkirk moor 19.6 Wet heathland Public
Kinder and Bleaklow (part) 500.00 Moorland Public/private
Lindrick golf course 34.7 Woodland, scrub, grassland Private
Little Don stream section 1.1 Geological/physiographical Public/private
Maltby low common 3.8 Grassland Private
Neepsand brickworks 6.3 Geological/physiographical Public
Neepsand railway cutting 1.4 Geological/physiographical Public
Owston hay meadows 5.5 Grassland Public/private
Potteric Carr 118.6 Woodland, swamp, fen, inundation, communities, open water Public/private
Roche abbey woodlands 52.8 Woodland Private
Sandall Beat 63.9 Woodland Public
Shirley pool 15.5 Woodland, grassland, swamp, fen, inundation, communities, open water Private
Sprot Gorge 76.9 Woodland, swamp, fen, inundation communities, grassland Private
Stannington Ruffs 2.4 Geologrical/physiogaphical Public/private
Thorne, Crowle and Goole moors 1,918.6 Lowland raised bog Public/private
Totley wood 14.7 Woodland Public
Went Ings meadows 5.9 Grassland Private
Warncliffe craggs 14.5 Geological/physiographical Public
Wood lee common 6.3 Geological/physiographical Private

Mr. Moynihan

I am advised by the Nature Conservancy Council that no SSSI in South Yorkshire has been destroyed since 1981. The following five sites have sustained some damage.

Site Type and cause of damage
(i) Hatfield Moor Peat/gravel extraction, carried out with the benefit of long-standing planning consents.
(ii) Thorne Crowle and Goole Moors
(iii) Roche Abbey Woodland Arson/wood cutting—short-term damage by third parties from which the site is expected to recover.
(iv) Sandall Beat Motor cycling—short-term damage by third parties from which site is expected to recover.
(v) Shirley Pool A small area of the 15½ ha site has been damaged by agricultural operations but overall scientific interest of the site has not been significantly affected.

Mr. Redmond

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the name, size, type of habitat and whether privately or publicly owned of(a) sites of special scientific interest, (b) national nature reserves, (c) local nature reserves, (d) sites protected by the Ramsar convention and (e) sites protected by the European Community birds directive, in South Yorkshire.

Mr. Moynihan

The information is as follows:

(b) National nature reserves


(c) Local nature reserves
Site name Site area (ha) Habitat type Ownership
Sandall beat 63.9 Woodland Public
Calton marsh 2.2 Marsh Public

(d) Sites Designated Under the Ramsar Covention

(e) Sites Designated Under the EC Birds Directive (79/409)

No sites have been designated. The NCC has identified two sites which it considers meet the criteria for listing under the convention and/or directive. The boundaries of the sites have yet to be determined.
Site Name Designation Proposed Site Area (ha) Habitat Ownership
Thorne and Hatfield moors Ramsar SPA To be determined Lowland, raised bog, open water, woodland Public/Private
Peak District Moors (Part) SPA To be determined Moorland Public/Private