HC Deb 29 July 1988 vol 138 cc776-7W
Ms. Armstrong

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will make it his policy to publish as a matter of routine figures for mortality rates(a) generally, and (b) in hospitals by regional health authority.

Mrs. Currie

The Office of Population Censuses and Surveys publishes routinely, through Her Majesty's Stationery Office, many tables giving mortality rates, for example(a) by cause, sex and age group for England and for Wales separately in "Mortality Statistics series DH1" table 13, and for England and Wales in "Mortality Statistics, cause series DH2" table 4., (b) by sex for all regional and district health authorities in "Key population and vital statistics: local and health authority areas" table 4.2, (c) by selected cause for infant deaths by regional health authority in "Mortality Statistics childhood series DH3" table 17, (d) by social class, age of mother and parity for regional health authorities for stillbirths, perinatal deaths, neonatal deaths, post-neonatal deaths and infant deaths in "Mortality statistics perinatal and infant: social and biological factors series DH3" tables 7a, 7b and 7c. Copies of all of these publications are available in the Library.

The content of published material is reviewed from time to time, and the OPCS makes available to customers data from unpublished tables. The OPCS can also provide, cost and resources permitting, special computer tabulations from its mortality data.

The OPCS makes available to all regional health authorities extracts of mortality data on magnetic tape for their own region.

There are currently no plans in the OPCS to publish mortality rates derived from the registration of deaths for deaths occurring in hospitals by regional health authority.