HC Deb 29 July 1988 vol 138 cc667-8W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will publish in theOfficial Report a table showing the United Kingdom levies on imports of agricultural products from outside the EEC on 6 January and at the latest available date as a percentage of the world price and the intervention price.

Mr. Donald Thompson

The information is set out in the table. I remind the hon. Member that the "world" prices derived for the purpose of this calculation are the lowest recorded and do not represent those which might obtain if larger quantities were purchased from world markets or if supplies on world markets diminished.

United Kingdom levy1 as percentage of (a) the "world" prices2 and (b) the intervention price3 in the United Kingdom
6 January 1988 23 July 1988
Commodity (a) (b) (a) (b)
Common wheat 265 111 97 72
Barley 294 109 70 58
Maize 230 96 94 70
Sugar (white) 223 80 127 64
Butter (82 per cent. fat) 335 89 272 84
Cheese (cheddar) 223 195
Skimmed milk powder 144 69 146 68
Beef and veal 154 72 164 72
Pigmeat 96 51 90 50
Poultrymeat 65 57
Eggs 43 187
1 The levies taken are at the full rate. In the case of beef, butter and sugar, the United Kingdom obtains a large proportion of its supplies at reduced rates of levy.
2 "World" prices have been calculated by subtracting the common import levy from the "threshold" price. The beef price is also adjusted for duty. For pigmeat, poultrymeat and eggs the "world"

price has been taken as the sluicegate price, less supplementary levy where appropriate.

3 "Intervention prices" have been defined as:

  • Common wheat—relevant month's intervention price for bread-making wheat of standard quality.
  • Barley and maize—relevant month's intervention price.
  • Sugar—intervention price for white sugar plus storage levy.
  • Butter—intervention price for 82 per cent. butter.
  • Skimmed milk powder—intervention price.
  • Beef and veal—intervention price converted to carcase equivalent using 53.8 per cent. killing out coefficient.
  • Pigmeat—lowest intervention price.
  • There are no intervention price for cheddar cheese, poultrymeat and eggs. The intervention prices used will differ in some cases from buying in prices.