HL Deb 25 July 1988 vol 500 c140WA
The Earl of Bessborough

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When they expect to publish their Green Paper on private sector involvement in the remand system.

The Minister of State, Home Office (Earl Ferrers)

The Green PaperPrivate Sector Involvement in the Remand System(Cmnd. 434), published today, sets out and invites comment on the options for involving the private sector in the operation of new remand establishments and of associated escort and court duties. The Green Paper identifies the main issues of principle and practice which need to be taken into account. Management consultants, assisted by criminal justice system experts, will shortly begin a detailed examination of the practical implications of involving the private sector in the ways which the Green Paper envisages. The Government will take the responses to the Green Paper, and the report of the consultants, into account in deciding, towards the end of the year, which, if any, of the options to pursue.