HC Deb 19 July 1988 vol 137 c528W
Mr. Baldry

To ask the Minister for the Arts if he is now ready to make the further announcement on marketing the arts referred to in the arts debate on 20 May,Official Report, column 1204.

Mr. Luce

The Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts (ABSA), in collaboration with IBM and seven other major businesses, have today announced details of a new organisation. It is to be known as "Business in the Arts", which they are setting tip to encourage business men to put their talents and professional skills at the disposal of arts organisations on a voluntary basis, to improve the quality of business management in the arts. An important aspect of this initiative will be the use of business training schemes to support arts managers and the extension of the links with universities and colleges. The organisation will be run by ABSA and funded by the eight businesses initially. I am delighted to support this extremely worthwhile initiative and have agreed to contribute £25,000 from my marketing budget for each of the first two years in recognition of the funds put up by the business community.