HC Deb 14 July 1988 vol 137 c313W
Mr. Butler

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what information he has on the number of building society accounts currently in existence in the United Kingdom.

Mortgage interest relief Estimated cost of Employees' contributions to occupational pension schemes Employers' contributions to occupational pension schemes 2 Retirement annuity premia Number of mortgagors Mortgagors as a percentage of all owner occupied dwellings
(£ million) (£ million) (£ million) (£ million) (thousands) (per cent.)
1980–81 1960 n/a n/a 150 5860 49
1981–82 2050 n/a n/a 200 5850 47
1982–83 2150 1300 3100 250 6130 48
1983–84 2780 1400 3200 250 7500 57
1984–85 3580 1400 3300 300 7750 57
1985–86 4750 1500 3300 400 8000 58
1986–871> 4750 1600 3100 450 8200 58
1987–881 4850 1600 2900 450 8400 58
1 Provisional
2 on the basis that employers' contributions are not taxable as a benefit in kind of the employee.
n/a—not available.