HC Deb 07 July 1988 vol 136 cc726-7W
18. Mr. Knowles

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what part the United Kingdom delegation played in the recent discussions at the International Whaling Commission.

Mr. Gummer

The United Kingdom continued to play a leading role within the International Whaling Commission and decisions were taken to strengthen and improve the conservation of the world's whale stocks. In particular, we sponsored a resolution which improves the procedure for the review of scientific research whaling programmes and co-sponsored resolutions recommending Norway and Iceland to reconsider their proposed programme.

25. Mr. Greg Knight

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what he expects to be the effect of the recent agreement by the International Whaling Commission.

Mr. Gummer

At the recent annual meeting the International Whaling Commission took decisions which will further strengthen the conservation of whale stocks. The three resolutions, sponsored or co-sponsored by the United Kingdom, on whaling for scientific research, together with the rejection of Japan's request to continue her coastal whaling operations in 1988, enforce the Commission's important moratorium decision.

73. Mr. Brazier

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what pressure the United Kingdom delegation was able to bring on the positions of other delegations at the International Whaling Commission, particularly the Japanese, Icelandic and Norwegian delegations.

Mr. Gummer

The United Kingdom delegation to the 40th annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission played a full and leading role on all issues. In particular, we sponsored a successful resolution to improve procedures for the consideration of any mid-year proposals for research whaling programmes, and we co-sponsored resolutions asking Norway and Iceland to reconsider their proposed programmes. The United Kingdom also highlighted the commercial aspects of Japanese coastal whaling and was among the majority rejecting Japan's request for these operations to take 210 minke whales in 1988.

75. Mr. Bellingham

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what was the policy adopted by the Faroese delegation at the International Whaling Commission talks.

Mr. Gummer

At the recent International Whaling Commission (IWC) annual meeting, Denmark, which acts on behalf of the Faroe Islands in the IWC, provided a report, as requested, on measures taken to make the killing methods in the Faroese pilot whale hunts more humane. Denmark then reserved her position on any future discussion of this topic given her view that the IWC does not have any competence in respect of small cetaceans like the pilot whale. The United Kingdom is clear that pilot whales are covered by the convention and we recommend to press for more humane methods of killing to be used in the Faroes.