HC Deb 04 July 1988 vol 136 c450W
Mr. Blunkett

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he proposes to take any action to lift the pay levels of medical secretaries; whether he proposes any review to assess the skills of medical secretaries and their importance to the National Health Service; what study he has made of the effects of different pay levels in different areas for medical secretaries with particular regard to Sheffield; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Newton

The pay and conditions of medical secretaries in the NHS are matters for negotiation in the administrative and clerical staffs Whitley Council. On 3 June the staff side agreed to recommend to constituent organisations an offer to increase pay from 1 April and to continue discussions on restructuring which would introduce a facility for some local flexibility in pay. I hope an early settlement will be reached. The grading of posts is a matter for individual employing authorities. In 1987 a working party chaired by the Department's deputy chief medical officer reviewed the secretarial and support services for hospital medical and dental staff, and concluded that the existing grades provided for an adequate reflection of the skills and importance attaching to the duties.