HC Deb 28 January 1988 vol 126 cc391-2W
Mr. Wareing

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Services how many cases of meningitis were declared in each region during the years 1984 to 1987 inclusive.

Mrs. Currie

Meningitis may be caused by a number of different organisms. The hon. Member may be particularly interested in meningococcal meningitis: the table shows notifications of cases for this and for all forms of acute meningitis.

the Secretary of State under the National Health Service (Remuneration and Conditions of Service) Regulations 1974. These prohibit regular rota commitments which require a junior doctor to be on duty on average for more than one night and one weekend in two. Health authorities have been asked to avoid, wherever possible, regular rota commitments more onerous than one in three. Officials are currently discussing with the profession's representatives the scope for further progress towards this objective.