HC Deb 22 January 1988 vol 125 c886W
Mr. Campbell-Savours

To ask the Attorney-General (1) what representations he received fromThe Observer on 16 January relating to its proposed publication of matter relating to Anthony Cavendish; and what response he made;

(2) why he refused to make available to The Observer newspaper a copy of the revised terms of the injunction previously granted against both The Observer and The Sunday Times in relation to Anthony Cavendish.

The Attorney-General

On Saturday 16 January the Treasurer Solicitor received the following representations fromThe Observer newspaper.

(a) The newspaper asked whether the Government did not accept that the order which the court had varied the previous day against The Sunday Times applied also to The Observer (The Observer having decided not to apply to the court on that day for a variation of the separate order made against it).

The Treasury Solicitor replied that the Government did not so accept.

(b) The newspaper asked the Treasury Solicitor whether the Government would consent to the court making the same variation of the order against The Observer as the one made in the case of The Sunday Times. The Treasury Solicitor replied that the Government would so consent.

(c) Late in the afternoon the newspaper asked for a copy of the order against The Sunday Times.

The Treasury Solicitor replied that it was of substantial length (its annex is 62 pages) and he had no means of letting The Observer have a copy that day before it went to press.

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