HC Deb 11 February 1988 vol 127 cc310-2W
Mr. Ken Hargreaves

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will announce the recurrent grants allocated to universities for the academic year 1988–89 by the University Grants Committee, along with the provisional allocations for 1989–90.

Mr. Jackson

The University Grants Committee's initial allocation of recurrent grant to universities in the academic year 1988–89, along with a provisional indication of the basic distribution for 1989–90 is shown in the table. Copies of the general letter of guidance that the chairman of the UGC has sent to all universities have been placed in the Library of the House. The general letter will be followed in about a week's time by an institutional annex about student numbers and funding for individual universities. The annexes will also be placed in the Library.

The total grant distributed by the UGC as announced in the table does not include items which it is the UGC's practice to allocate separately, such as local authority rates, the overseas research student awards scheme, and the committee's small central reserve. These items amount to £147 million. Nor does the distribution include provision which is to be allocated separately for a targeted programme of restructuring for which my right hon. Friend announced an additional £155 million over three years on 3 November 1987 in answer to my hon. Friend the Member for Rugby and Kenilworth (Mr. Pawsey) at columns 645–48.

Also to be distributed separately is the £56 million which the Government have made available in the financial year 1988–89 towards the cost of the 1987 academic pay restructuring settlement. The release of a further instalment of £71 million in the financial year 1989–90 will be subject to continued satisfactory progress on staff appraisal, probation and promotion arrangements.

£ million
University or college Basic distribution 1988–89 Recurrent grant 1988–89 Provisional basic distribution 1989–90
Aston 15.362 15.91 15.457
Bath 16.209 16.48 17.198
Birmingham 39.878 41.06 40.754
Bradford 15.691 16.17 16.063
Bristol 33.258 33.86 34.889
Brunel 13.807 14.00 14.166
Cambridge 47.806 48.85 49.336
City 12.150 12.29 12.377
Durham 17.728 18.16 17.751
East Anglia 14.666 15.22 14.296
Essex 9.274 9.49 9.529
Exeter 17.245 17.55 17.970
Hull 15.056 15.70 15.384
Keele 8.490 8.67 8.426
Kent 12.049 12.63 12.602
Lancaster 14.584 14.85 15.009
Leeds 44.973 45.85 45.884
Leicester 19.542 19.98 20.223
Liverpool 39.508 40.34 40.374
London Business School 1.803 1.82 1.709
London University 258.219 265.87 267.915
(of which Imperial College) (32.466) (33.70) (33.281)
Loughborough 21.184 21.72 22.108
Manchester Business School 0.988 1.00 0.857

University or college Basic distribution 1988–89 Recurrent grant 1988–89 Provisional basic distribution 1989–90
Manchester 52.033 53.95 54.085
UMIST 17.857 18.50 18.532
Newcastle 33.238 34.21 33.732
Nottingham 30.009 30.79 30.923
Oxford 48.592 49.84 50.272
Reading 19.982 20.27 20.478
Salford 13.965 14.93 14.407
Sheffield 33.274 34.47 33.958
Southampton 28.841 30.34 30.542
Surrey 13.902 14.47 14.387
Sussex 16.000 16.29 16.774
Warwick 21.274 22.39 22.681
York 13.269 14.33 14.108
Total England 1,031.706 1,062.25 1,065.166
Aberystwyth UC 10.470 10.60 10.617
Bangor UC 10.926 11.46 10.822
St. David's Lampeter 2.109 2.15 2.175
Swansea UC 13.745 14.31 13.730
UWCM 7.398 7.72 7.717
UCC/UWIST 27.061 28.50 27.867
Welsh Registry 2.391 2.39 2.461
Total Wales 74.100 77.13 75.389
Aberdeen 22.016 22.40 21.677
Dundee 14.651 14.99 14.265
Edinburgh 46.593 48.08 47.582
Glasgow 47.584 49.67 48.844
Heriot-Watt 11.641 12.69 12.060
St. Andrews 11.783 11.93 12.006
Stirling 8.288 8.73 8.306
Strathclyde 25.638 26.93 26.704
Total Scotland 188.194 195.42 191.444
Total Great Britain 1,294.000 1,334.80 1,332.000
Queen's Belfast 31.087 31.21 30.630
Ulster 32.478 32.58 34.723

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