HC Deb 09 February 1988 vol 127 cc186-7W
88. Mr. Bernie Grant

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the average number of days taken to process a social security claim in(a) the London region and (b) other regions; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Scott

The table records, by region and for the four-week period to 15 December 1987, average clearance times for claims to supplementary benefit, sickness benefit (including invalidity benefit), maternity benefit and retirement pension. I regret that claims for other social security benefits are not recorded by region.

Income-related benefit recipients and their dependants Great Britain: 1979
Date Benefit Number of recipients Number of dependants
November 1979 Supplementary Benefit 2,855 1,516
April 1979 Family Income Supplement 77 214
1979–80 Rate Rebate1 3,065 n/a
1979 Recipients getting one or more income-related benefit 25,900 n/a
n/a Figures not available.
1 Housing benefit was not introduced until 1983. It replaced the former DOE rate rebate, rent allowance and rent rebate schemes. Most recipients of a rent allowance or rent rebate would also have received a rate rebate. Figures are not available for the small number of people who received rent allowance or rent rebate only.
2 This figures reflects an adjustment for the overlap between the benefits (ie: people receiving two or more of the above benefits).

Mr. Cummings

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Services how many people in the Seaham and Peterlee area are in receipt of(a) attendance allowance, (b) industrial disablement benefit, (c) industrial death benefit, (d) invalid care allowance, (e) invalidity benefit, (f) mobility allowance, (g) retirement pension, (h) severe disablement allowance, (i) supplementary pension, (j) war pensions and (k) widows' benefits; and what were the numbers for each of the last five years.

Mr. Portillo

I regret that some of this information is not available or not available in the form requested.

The table sets out for the periods requested the numbers of people in receipt of industrial disablement benefit, invalidity benefit (including sickness benefit), severe disablement benefit and supplementary benefit in the areas served by the Department's offices at Peterlee and Seaham. No local records are kept for industrial death benefit and no separate records are kept for beneficiaries

1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988
Industrial Disablement Benefit 2,416 (Dec) 2,470 (Dec) 2,370 (Dec) 2,252 (Dec) 2,197 (Dec) 2,143 (Jan)
Invalidity Benefit (including sickness benefit) ֵ ֵ 7,090 (Jan) 7,051 (Jan) 7,886 (Jan) 7,834 (Jan)
Severe Disablement Allowance1 ֵ ֵ 276 (Jan) 370 (Jan) 363 (Jan) 359 (Jan)
Supplementary Pensions ֵ 1,295 (July) 1,241 (July) 1,236 (July) 1,237 (July) 2
Industrial Disablement Benefit ֵ 1,095 (April) 1,008 (April) 1,162 (April) 926 (April) 824 (Jan)
Invalidity Benefit (including sickness benefit) 1,489 (April) 1,621 (April) 1,696 (April) 1,852 (April) 1,946 (April) 2,051 (April)
Severe Disablement Allowance1 ֵ ֵ 84 (April) 136 (April) 136 (April) 149 (Jan)
Supplementary Pensions 836 (Dec) 962 (Dec) 995 (Dec) 1,019 (Dec) 1,075 (Nov) 2
1 Severe disablement allowance replaced Non-contributory Non-contributory invalidity pensions from 29 November 1984
2 Not yet available.
ֵ Not available.