HC Deb 04 February 1988 vol 126 cc742-9W
Mr. Chris Smith

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will list in theOfficial Report those organisations in the current financial year in receipt of grants under section 64 of the Health Services and Public Health Act 1968, including the amount of the grant in each case and the work for which the grant has been made available.

Mrs. Currie

Our general scheme of grants to voluntary organisations under section 64 falls into two parts—core grants, to assist national organisations with their administration costs, and project grants, to support projects which are experimental or innovative for a specific period. The scheme also provides a small number of capital grants.

Listed are those organisations for which a grant award in 1987–88 has been approved. The total picture will not be available until 31 March 1988.

Voluntary Organisation Purpose of grant 1987–88 grant
Age Exchange Theatre Company Reminiscence Project 2,000
Aid for Children with Tracheastomies Core 5,000
Alcohol Concern Core 500,000
Alcohol Concern Drinkwise 20,000
Alzheimer's Disease Society Core 110,000
Anorexic Family Aid Core 27,000
Anthony Nolan Bone Appeal (The) Core 11,000
Association of Breast Feeding Mothers Library and Publications 4,500
Association of Carers Core 31,667
Association of Professionals for the Mentally Handicapped Core 5,000
Association of Residential Communities Core 4,000
Asthma Society Core 10,000
BACUP Core 10,000
Breakthrough Trust Core 35,000
Breast Care and Mastectomy Association of GB Core 15,000
British Association for Adoption and Fostering Core 276,000
British Association for Service to the Elderly Core 12,000
British Association of Immediate Care Core 12,500
British Association of the Hard of Hearing (The) Core 30,000
British Deaf Association (The) BSL Project 20,000
British Fluoridation Society (The) Core 20,000
British Institute of Industrial Therapy Core 17,000
British Institute of Mental Handicap Core 35,000
British Kidney Patients Association Core 35,000
British Organ Donor Society Core 5,000
British Red Cross Core 10,000
Brook Advisory Centre Core 45,000
Campaign for Mentally Handicapped People Core 16,800
Campaign for Mentally Handicapped People (The) Work on Community Acceptance 10,000
Campaign for Single Homeless Core 33,300
Cancerlink Core 10,000
Catholic Child Welfare Council Core 1,875
Catholic Marriage Advisory Council Core 40,000
Centre for Policy on Aging Day Care 24,300
Centre on Environment for the Handicapped Core 40,000
Chest, Heart and Stroke Association Core 13,000
Child Accident Prevention Trust Core 71,325
Child Care Adolescents Project 29,000
Child Care Core 26,000
Child Care Development Project 62,000
Child Care Ethnic Minority Seminars 1,200
Child Poverty Action Group Citizens Rights Office 17,000
Childrens Legal Centre Core 38,000
Childrens Society Adolescent Training Scheme 15,000
Childrens Society The Bridge 60,000
Childrens Society Western Corner Project, Oxen 10,000
Childrens Society Central London Project 20,000
Chinese Health Information Centre Capital 14,500
Chinese Health Information Centre Core 15,000
Coeliac Society Core 14,000
Community Service Volunteers Core 2,500
Community Service Volunteers Health Service Programme 37,650
Compassionate Friends Society (The) Core 4,500
Contact a Family Core 28,000
Contact a Family Link Line Project 10,000
Cope Core 104,500
Coronary Prevention Group Core 40,000
Council for Advancement with the Deaf Core 40,000
Crossroads Care Attendant Schemes Ltd Core 75,000
Cruse (National Organisation for the Widowed and their Children) Core 114,000
Cry-Sis Core 1,500
Cry-Sis Information Packs 2,000
Debra Core 8,000
Demand Core 10,500
Dial United Kingdom Core 40,000
Disability Alliance Core 20,000
Disabled Living Foundation Core 297,800
Disabled Living Foundation Dress for MH People Project 3,800
Disablement Income Group Core 17,000
Downs Syndrome Association Core 9,000
Dr. Barnardo's Harrogate Kitchen 15,000
Dr. Barnardo's Liverpool ISU 230,000
East Community Centre Tact Sunderland 17,476
Ethnic Study Group Capital 11,000
Ethnic Study Group Core 16,000

Voluntary Organisation Purpose of grant 1987–88 grant
Exploring Parenthood Parents Workshops 9,000
Extend Core 20,000
Family Forum Core 32,400
Family Holiday Association Core 7,000
Family Planning Association Core 130,000
Family Planning Association Training of Staff 7,960
Family Policy Studies Centre Core 108,000
Family Rights Group Core 24,000
Family Service Units Core 160,000
Family Welfare Association Core 96,450
First Key Leaving Care Project 86,000
Forward Core 20,000
Foundation for Study of Infant Death Towards costs of welfare etc. 10,000
Friends for the Young Deaf Core 7,500
Gingerbread Core 78,000
Good Practices in Mental Health Core 65,000
Greater Manchester and Lancs Council on Alcohol Service provision in Lancs 4,792
Headway Core 30,000
Herpes Association Core 5,000
Holiday Care Service Holiday Helpers 10,000
Home Farm Trust Core 10,000
Home Start Consultancy Core 30,000
Homes for Homeless People Core 45,800
Horticultural Therapy Core 50,000
Hyde Park Community Action Core 5,146
In Touch Core 2,500
Incest Crisis Line Core 6,000
Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence Core 240,000
International Social Service of Great Britain Core 47,500
Iris Fund Core 2,500
John Hunt Award Scheme Core 1,500
La Leche League (Great Britain) Production of leaflets 6,500
London Lighthouse Capital 500,000
London Lighthouse Core 100,000
L'Arche Core 10,500
Marie Curie Memorial Foundation Core 10,000
Marriage Research Centre Core 5,000
Marriage Research Centre Evaluation 800
Maternity Alliance Towards publications 37,000
McIntyre Schools Ltd. (Shipton) Tall Trees project 12,000
Medical Commission on Accident Prevention Core 6,000
MENCAP (Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults) Core 220,000
MENCAP (Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults) Study and survey on attitudes 138
Mental After-Care Association Core 40,000
Mental Health Film Council Core 26,000
Mental Health Foundation (The) Core 27,000
Miscarriage Association Core 2,000
Mobility Information Service Core 5,000
Motability Core 632,687
Motor Neurone Disease Association Core 10,000
Muscular Dystrophy Group Patients welfare service 10,000
NACRO Juvenile crime section 298,135
NAFSIYAT (International Cultural Therapy Centre) Core 5,000
National Association for Limbless Disabled Core 15,000
National Association for Maternal and Child Welfare Core 10,000
National Association for Mental Health (MIND) Core 415,000
National Association for Patient Participation Core 7,100
National Association for the Childless Core 31,000
National Association for the Welfare of Children in Hospital CO 90,000
National Association of Leagues of Hospital Friends Core 13,500
National Association of Voluntary Hostels Core 5,250
National Association of Young People in Care Towards development project 48,000
National Autistic Society Core 10,000
National Backpain Trust Core 20,000
National Childbirth Trust Core 20,000
National Childbirth Trust Breast feeding publications 11,000
National Childminding Association Core 105,000
National Childminding Association Dissemination of training material 22,500
National Childrens Bureau Core 111,000
National Childrens Bureau Loan Servicing 27,066
National Childrens Bureau Participation in Planning 1,800

Voluntary Organisation Purpose of grant 1987–88 grant
National Childrens Bureau Prevention 11,350
National Childrens Bureau 'Who Cares Magazine 25,750
National Childrens Bureau Participation in Decisions 20,000
National Childrens Bureau Solvent Abuse Post-Development 13,333
National Childrens Bureau Under Fives Project 80,000
National Childrens Home (Leeds) Advice Service (Sexual Abuse) 19,542
National Council for Carers and their Elderly Dependants Core 27,000
National Council for one Parent Families CO 150,000
National Council for Voluntary Organisations Community Care Dessemination 92,500
National Council for Voluntary Organisations Community Care Project 23,783
National Council for Voluntary Organisations Community Health Initiatives 90,000
National Council for Voluntary Organisations Wiltshire Fund 8,183
National Counselling and Welfare Service for Sick Doctors Core 2,625
National Deaf Children's Society (The) Information Service 25,000
National Exzema Society Core 10,000
National Federation of Kidney Patients Association Core 6,300
National Foster Care Association Core 91,000
National institute for Social Work Community Social Work Project 60,000
National Institute for Social Work Race Equality Unit 73,400
National Out of School Alliance Core 60,000
National Out of School Alliance Development Project 8,500
National Playbus Association Core 35,000
National Playbus Association Family and Information Projects 15,000
National Schizophrenia Fellowship (The) Core 91,000
National Stepfamily Association Core 8,000
National Tape Magazine for the Blind Core 500
National Toy Library Association/Playmatters Core 45,000
National Youth Bureau Youth Social Work Unit 74,000
National Voluntary Organisations Anti-Racism Consortium Core 20,000
North Lambeth Day Centre Ltd. Core 16,000
North Regional Asssociation for the Blind Core 52,007
North West Fellowship Core 20,000
Northern Schizophrenia Fellowship Core 20,000
Ockendon Venture Vietnamese Refugess Project2 340,000
One to One Core 6,300
Opus (Organisation for Parents under Stress) Core 30,000
Organisation for Sickle Cell Anaemia Research Core 15,000
Overseas Doctor's Association in the United Kingdom Core 15,000
Pain Relief Foundation Core 8,000
Parent to Parent Information Service and Adoption Service Core 2,33,100
Parents Against Injustice (Pain) Core 10,000
Parents for Children Core 48,500
Parkinsons Disease Society Core 15,000
Partially Sighted Society Core 10,000
Patients Association Core 7,500
Phobic Action Core 5,000
Phobics Society (The) Core 5,000
Physically Handicapped and Abled Bodied Core 23,000
Pre-School Playgroups Association Core 385,000
Prince of Wales Advisory Group on Disability Core 15,000
Queen Elizabeth Foundation—Banstead Place Mobility Centre Core 32,500
Rape Counselling and Research Project Core 25,000
Rathbone Society Core 16,000
Raynauds Association Core 3,500
Research Council for Complementary Medicine Core 5,000
Research Trust of Metabolic Disease Core 5,000
Richmond Fellowship (The) Core 97,000
Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation(RADA) Core 2 3100,000
Royal National Institute for the Blind Embossed literature service 250,000
Royal National Institute for the Deaf Rubella Consortium 35,000
Samaritans (The) Core 125,000
Save the Children Fund Hospital playschemes advice 10,000
Save the Childrens Fund Vietnamese refugees 2 3131,000
Scoliosis Association United Kingdom Core 1,000
Sense (National Deaf-Blind Rubella Association) Core 30,000
Sense (National Deaf-Blind Rubella Association) Ushers syndrome project 15,000
Sequal Core 35,200
Sequal Equipment for terminally ill 5,800
Sexual and personal relationships of the Disabled Core 33,500
Sickle Cell Society Core 15,000

Voluntary Organisation Purpose of grant 1987–88 grant
Social Work Training Grants Core 2,400
Society for Mucopolysaccharide Diseases Core 1,250
Society of Voluntary Associates Training IT volunteers 25,000
Society of Voluntary Associations PT training resources officer 3,700
South Regional Association for the Blind Commission on Multi Handicapped Blind 2,500
South Regional Association for the Blind Core 73,405
St. John Ambulance Core 10,000
St. Katherine Housing Trust Core 18,000
Standing Committee on Sexually Abuse of Children Core 2,500
Standing Conference on Drug Abuse (SCODA) AIDS information project 28,000
Standing Conference on Drug Abuse (SCODA) Core 173,000
Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society Core 22,000
Terrence Higgins Trust AIDS information project 300,000
Thalassaemia Society Core 5,000
Tibble Trust Core 1,000
Tuberous Sclerosis Association Core 1,000
Turning Point Core 99,000
Twins and Multiple Birth Association Core 3,000
VOLCUF (Voluntary Organisation Liaison Council for Under Fives) Core 27,000
Voluntary Council for Handicapped Children Core 40,000
Volunteer Centre Training Voluntary Service Co-ordinator 12,500
VORTEX (Voluntary Organisations Register of Training Exercise) Core 11,600
Walsingham Community Homes Core 10,000
West Yorkshire Youth Association Pre-court Diversion Project 25,000
Westminster Pastoral Foundation Core 66,000
Widows Advisory Trust Core 18,000
Winged Fellowship Trust Core 15,000
Womens Aid Federation (England) Core 98,000
Womens Health Concern Core 7,000
Womens National Cancer Control Campaign Core 74,500
Womens Therapy Centre (The) Core 5,000
Working Mothers Association Core 12,000
£ for £ Dr. Barnardos Darlington Project 32,865
£ for £ National Childrens Home Core 100,000
Total 12,162,610
1 Position on 22 January 1988.
2 Interim payments; grant not yet settled.
3 Interim.