HC Deb 08 December 1988 vol 143 cc271-2W
Mr. Matthew Taylor

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) what estimate he has of the number of households with properties affected by mundic-type concrete block;

(2) what estimate his Department has of the value of properties affected by being built of mundic-type concrete block;

(3) what estimate he has, by county, of the number of properties suffering from deterioration or potential deterioration as a result of being built from mundic-type concrete block.

Mr. Trippier

Virtually all mundic block properties appear to have been built within the private sector, and there are therefore no reliable statistics on the numbers and values involved.

Mr. Matthew Taylor

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) what research his Department is carrying out into the numerical extent of the problem of properties built with mundic-type concrete block;

(2) what research his Department is carrying out into geographical extent of the problem of properties built with mundic-type concrete block;

(3) what research his Department is carrying out into possible cures to the problem of properties afflicted with decaying mundic-type concrete block; and what is the status of that research.

Mr. Trippier

The Building Research Establishment has carried out research into the caues of mundic block failure within its continuing overall work on the behaviour of concrete aggregates. We have no plans to commission specific research on numbers and location, but I understand that private lending institutions are considering commissioning research into appropriate tests; this could lead to the development of remedial treatments for affected properties.

Mr. Matthew Taylor

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what financial assistance is available to the owners of properties with problems caused by mundic-type concrete blocks; and what changes he is proposing.

Mr. Trippier

At present, some owners of mundic block houses may be eligible for discretionary improvement grants. However, we intend to bring forward proposals in the next housing Bill to streamline the grants system; this may bring more owners within the scope of grant aid for repairs, subject to their particular circumstances.

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