HC Deb 19 November 1987 vol 122 cc634-5W
Mr. Dunnachie

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many homes in Scotland are(a) amenity houses and (b) sheltered houses; and what percentage of households in Scotland with at least one pensioner living in them are owner-occupiers, compared with the percentage figure in England and Wales.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

Information is provided by local authorities to the Scottish Development Department on the numbers of amenity and sheltered houses in their areas at 31 March each year. The totals of 1987 figures received, and the most up-to-date information submitted for nine authorities who have yet to supply 1987 figures, are as follows:

Type of Housing Provision (dwellings)
Amenity 9,486
Sheltered 24,398

The corresponding figures for 1979 were 3,363 and 7,031 respectively.

Other sources of statistical information suggest that the numbers of dwellings provided by the private sector are understated in these figures. The information requested on households with at least one pensioner living in them is not available.

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