HC Deb 03 November 1987 vol 121 cc647-8W
Mr. Foulkes

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what proportion of (a) owner-occupied homes, (b) private rented homes and (c) local authority rented homes have not been brought up to the standard of loft insulation recommended by his Department.

Mr. Waldegrave

Following are estimates from a sample survey conducted by Audits of Great Britain Ltd.

Loft insulation, England: December 1986
Percentage of households
Owner occupiers Council tenants 1Other tenures
Some insulation 92 89 65
Four inches or more of insulation 50 34 32
1 Private tenants, housing association tenants, housing provided with job, etc.

Note: Percentages are of those households with access to loft spaces.

There is no general recommendation on loft insulation. Homes insulation scheme grants provide assistance where lofts are not already insulated to a depth of 30 mm or more.