HC Deb 15 May 1987 vol 116 cc396-7W
Mr. Spearing

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment for what purposes a compulsory purchase notice has been made by the London Docklands Development Corporation for allotment plots adjacent to Leyes Road, Custom House, currently held by members of the West Ham allotment association; what number of plots is required for each permanent and temporary purpose, respectively; and what alternative plans were investigated that would not involve permanent or temporary use of these plots.

Mr. John Patten

The London Docklands Developments Corporation (Connaught Crossing, Newham) Compulsory Purchase Order, made on 21 April 1987, is to enable the contruction of a road link between the Royal Albert and Royal Victoria docks. Nineteen plots of the allotment site adjacent to Leyes road, Customs House, are affected by the order, of which 13 are occupied. Four of the plots, of which one is occupied, would be permanently lost. Fifteen slightly smaller plots would remain in beneficial use.

The corporation considered and rejected earlier designs for the road scheme which would have taken more of the allotment land than is now proposed.