§ Sir David Priceasked the Paymaster General how many building trade workers were registered as unemployed in the Winchester-Eastleigh employment area at the latest convenient date; and how many vacancies were notified in the same trades.
§ Mr. LeeThe following information is in the Library. As a result of the change to a claimant-based unemployment count, statistics of unemployment by industry have not been available for local areas since May 1982, when there were 359 unemployed registrants at Winchester and Eastleigh jobcentres whose last employment had been in the construction industry (as defined by the 1968 standard industrial classification). On 7 November 1986, the latest date for which an analysis of vacancies by industry is available, the number of unfilled vacancies at Winchester and Eastleigh jobcentres in the construction industry (as defined in the 1980 standard industrial classification) was 36.
§ Mr. Nellistasked the Paymaster General what were the numbers of people under 25 years of age who were unemployed in Coventry in May 1979, June 1983 and at the latest available date.
§ Mr. LeeFollowing is the available information, which is also in the library. The number of unemployed claimants aged under 25 years in the Coventry local authority area on 8 January 1987 was 9,164. The figure for July 1983 (not available for June) was 10,177. This comparison is affected by seasonal factors, and changes in the method of collection and compilation of the data. Statistics of unemployment for local authority areas are derived from the ward-based system and are available only from June 1983.
§ Mr. Nellistasked the Paymaster General if he will give the total number of employees in Coventry in May 1979, and at the latest available date, broken down by standard industrial classification division; and when he expects later figures to be available.
§ Mr. LeeEmployment statistics for local areas are available only for those dates when censuses of444W employment are taken. No census was taken in 1979 (or 1980) and the most recent figures are for September 1981; these are given in the table. More up-to-date census estimates for local areas, relating to September 1984, are expected to become available within the next month or so. Between censuses, employment statistics are based on small scale sample survey which cannot produce reliable results for areas smaller than the standard economic regions.
Employees in employment: Coventry local authority district. September 1981 Divisions of the Standard Industrial Classification 1980 Number 0 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 100 1 Energy and water supply 1,900 2 Extraction of minerals and ores other than fuels; manufacture of metals, mineral products and chemicals 3,400 3 Metal goods, engineering and vehicles 58,600 4 Other manufacturing industries 4,900 5 Construction 3,700 6 Distribution, hotels and catering; repairs 20,000 7 Transport and communication 3,700 8 Banking, finance, insurance, business services and leasing 7,600 9 Other services 36,000 0–9 All industries and services 139,900
§ Mr. Nellistasked the Paymaster General what is the number of people living in Coventry, the west midlands and nationally who have never worked since leaving school (a) all ages, (b) under 18 years of age and (c) 18 to 25 years of age.
§ Mr. LeeFollowing is the available information, which is also in the Library. The table shows the numbers of unemployed claimants in the Coventry local authority district, the west midlands region and the United Kingdom of all ages who had not had a job since leaving full-time education, as at 8 January 1987, together with those aged under 18 years and those aged 18 years and over (not available for the 18 to 25 year age group).
Unemployed Claimants as at 8 January 1987 Coventry local authority district West Midlands region United Kingdom Under 18 years 778 9,880 89,190 18 years and over 2,559 25,213 200,018 All ages 3,337 35,093 289,208