HC Deb 16 March 1987 vol 112 cc420-2W
Mr. Home Robertson

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will make available, from the additional funds to be provided for environmentally sensitive areas in 1988, moneys to establish second-tier payments in the West Penwith and Pennine dales environmentally sensitive areas.

Mr. Donald Thompson

The possibility of a two-tier system for West Penwith and the Pennine dales was carefully considered with local farming and environmental interests. In both cases it was decided that a single tier would be more effective. The provision of additional funds does not affect this conclusion.

Mr. Ron Davies

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will review the operation and effectiveness of the statutory orders designating environmentally sensitive areas after one year; and if, after consulting the Countryside Commission, the Nature Conservancy Council and other appropriate interests, he will consider laying amended orders.

Mr. Donald Thompson

We shall keep the operation and effectiveness of these orders under regular review and I hope that it will be possible to publish a first report during 1988. We cannot prejudge the likely findings or consequences of that report.

Mr. Ron Davies

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what steps he will take to ensure that farmers in environmentally sensitive areas, who have entered into management agreements, comply with the requirements of the statutory orders designating such areas; and how many staff he will make available in each environmentally sensitive area to supervise the agreements.

Mr. Donald Thompson

The monitoring arrangements now being established in all ESAs will include checks on compliance with the terms of management agreements through a combination of ground inspections and aerial photography. It is not possible to separate the staff time devoted to this aspect of ESAs from other related duties. Nevertheless, I can assure the hon. Member that we will be making available sufficient manpower to ensure the effective operation of the scheme.

Mr. Ron Davies

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will make it his policy that, in the event of a breach of a management agreement in an environmentally sensitive area, which results in damage to wildlife habitats, he will require the land to be restored to its former condition.

Mr. Donald Thompson

I shall reply to the hon. Member as soon as possible.

Mr. Ron Davies

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will indicate, in relation to the steering groups to be established in each environmentally sensitive area (a) what role these groups will play, (b) which statutory and voluntary bodies will be represented on the groups, (c) how often the groups will meet, (d) what access the groups will have to information on the management agreements drawn up in the environmentally sensitive areas; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Donald Thompson

The role of the Ministry management groups will be to co-ordinate discussion of the operation and effects of environmentally sensitive areas. It will be the responsibility of the Ministry officials in each area to operate their group in the way that is most responsive to local needs rather than follow a centrally imposed agenda or terms of reference.