HC Deb 10 March 1987 vol 112 c112W
Mr. Nicholls

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what progress was made at the meeting of the Council of the European Community, Research, on 24 February; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Geoffrey Pattie

The Council of Ministers (Research) met on 24 February in Brussels. I represented Her Majesty's Government.

The meeting was devoted exclusively to discussion of the proposed new framework programme for EC research and development. The Council's discussion focused on a possible compromise tabled by the Belgian presidency. This called for the Council to concentrate its negotiations on 5.765 billion ecu (£4.21 billion) of new commitments which, when added to the commitments already agreed, was equivalent to a programme of 6.85 becu (£5 billion) as compared with the Commission's original proposal of 7.735 becu 8£5.65 billion) total expenditure. The United Kingdom took the view that while some elements of the compromise—subject to certain assurances—could be helpful in furthering progress, the total figure remained too high. The Council's meeting was inconclusive with some member states adopting a similar line to that of the United Kingdom and others indicating that the proposed compromise figures involved too great a reduction. The meeting was adjourned until 24 March.

The United Kingdom will continue to work for a programme based on high quality research and sharply focused on promoting industrial competitiveness. In the view of Her Majesty's Government, this can be achieved with a more modest growth over current expenditure than the European Commission has so far proposed.

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