§ Mr. Spearingasked the Secretary of State for Transport if he will tabulate in the Official Report for each of the bus districts of London Regional Transport, information available to him on the passenger mileage travelled and bus mileage run for each of the years 1984, 1985 and 1986, respectively, showing separately the figures for routes run by (i) London Buses on its own behalf, (ii) London Buses as contractor for London Regional Transport and (iii) other contractors, respectively, together with totals, and totals for the London Regional Transport area.
§ Mr. David MitchellThe information is not available in the form requested. Since many bus journeys and bus routes are not exclusive to any one of the six operating districts which make up London Regional Transport's subsidiary, London Buses, it would not be practicable to disaggregate total mileages. Information is available as follows:
Passenger miles Millions 1984–85 1985–86 11986–87 London buses total2 2,620 2,580 2,550 LRT tendered total — 20 150 Total LRT area 2,620 2,600 2,700 1 Forecast. 2 Excluding LRT
Bus miles Millions 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 All London Buses' Greater London local services except LRT tendered 160 155 146 London Buses' Greater London local services tendered by LRT — 1 5 Other operators' Greater London local services tendered by LRT — 1 5 Total Greater London local services under direct LRT control 160 157 156 London Buses' out-county and commercial 6 6 4 Other operators out-county under LRT tenders — — 1 Total LRT and London Buses 166 163 161 Other operators with services in Greater London under LRT agreement —supported 6 6 4 —unsupported 3 3 3 Total Greater London local services 169 167 164