HC Deb 16 July 1987 vol 119 c625W
Mr. Irving

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the estimated average cost to his Department and local authorities of a place for a juvenile offender on an intensive intermediate treatment scheme within the Department's recent intermediate treatment initiative.

Mrs. Currie

Grants under the IT initiative were awarded on the basis that the estimated cost of providing a programme of intensive IT was £2,000 per case. This figure was fixed at the beginning of the grant period (normally two years) so that the voluntary body providing the scheme had a clear indication of the money available from central Government during the whole of the grant period.

The Department has no up-to-date information from which we could derive a current average cost of providing schemes of intensive IT. We have commissioned Dr. Martin Knapp (University of Kent) to undertake a research study to evaluate the cost effectiveness of various forms of IT compared with other court disposals, but the results of his work are not yet available.