HC Deb 06 July 1987 vol 119 cc46-7W
Ms. Richardson

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what are the main needs of women in the policy areas within the sphere of his Department's activities; what has been done to identify and quantify these needs and to monitor services delivery; what consultation is carried out with women to ensure their views are adequately represented; and what training is given to his staff to raise their appreciation of the needs of women.

Mr. MacGregor

I refer the hon. Member to the section on agriculture and food in the review of the forward-looking strategies for the advancement of women published recently by the ministerial group on women's issues. This section discusses the position of women in these areas and various ways in which my Department and others are giving help. Consultation takes place in my Department with a wide range of interested bodies including women's organisations, and training is given to my staff which, as appropriate, takes account of the position of women.