HC Deb 26 January 1987 vol 109 cc78-9W
Mr. Ernie Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what arrangements his Department is making to monitor the import of banger and minirocket fireworks into Britain.

Mr. Howard

The Health and Safety Executive, which samples all imported fireworks for safety in normal use, is revising its licensing arrangements to tighten up on monitoring and approving imports in order to overcome the problems experienced over the last two years. In addition, the firework manufacturers have agreed to reduce this year the number of mini-rockets with bangers in their tips and to eliminate the latter altogether by the following season. I am not aware of problems with imported bangers as such.

Mr. Ernie Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (1) what has been the change in the number of firework accidents taking place in the street in Scotland in the latest two available years;

(2) if he will publish the incidence of firework accidents by age group in Scotland in each of the latest two available years;

(3) what has been the change in the number of firework accidents in the latest available year attributed to (a) bangers and (b) rockets in Scotland;

(4) what has been the incidence of firework accidents in Scotland in each of the past 10 years.

Mr. Howard

The figures for firework injuries in Scotland for 1986 will be available shortly. The figures for previous years are as follows:

Year Number
(1) Total injuries
1976 22
1977 24
1978 41
1979 30
1980 30
1981 35
1982 25
1983 38
1984 37
1985 62
(ii) Street injuries
1984 15
1985 32

1984 1985
(iii) Injuries by age
Over 20 6 13
16–20 5 8
13–15 15 19
Under 13 11 22
(iv) Injuries caused by bangers and rockets
Rockets 7 14
Bangers 16 21

All these figures are for Scotland only.

Mr. Ernie Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he is satisfied with the workings of the agreement reached with the Firework Makers Guild on restricting the number of banger fireworks made.

Mr. Howard

Yes. Since 1975 the number of bangers let off has been cut by well over one half, and since 1979 their explosive content has been reduced by 20 per cent.