HC Deb 20 January 1987 vol 108 cc510-4W
Mr. Radice

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will publish in the Official Report a table based on table 3.12 of the public expenditure White Paper Cmnd. 56-II, with all figures converted to 1986–87 prices.

Mr. Kenneth Baker

The information requested is set out in the table. The figures have been revalued using the GDP (market prices) deflator, which is assumed to rise by 3.75, 3.5 and 3.0 per cent. respectively in the years 1987–88 to 1989–90.

The figures for 1988–89 and 1989–90 in the table below have been calculated by revaluing the unrounded planning figures for those years. All figures in the table have been rounded to the nearest £1 million.

1981–82 outturn 1982–83 outturn 1983–84 outturn 1984–85 outturn 1985–86 outturn 1 1986–87 estimated outturn2 1987–88 plans 1988–89 plans 1989–90 plans
Current 1,331 1,497 1,487 1,463 1,416 1,411 1,456 1,455 1,455
Voluntary and direct grant institutions
Capital 3 5 5 6 5 6 5 5 5
Current 100 103 100 93 88 90 92 92 91
Adult education 13 13 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Postgraduate awards to humanities students and other student awards 8 7 4 5 4 6 6 7 7
Miscellaneous services, research and administration
Youth service 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Research programme and other education services 20 18 22 23 24 23 25 24 23
Administration and inspection costs 40 39 51 53 53 54 56 55 55
Compensation payments 5 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 6
Research Councils, etc.
Capital 91 91 86 84 93 88 74 74 73
Current (including postgraduate science awards) 485 482 502 512 511 527 558 548 542
Total voted expenditure 2,319 2,468 2,479 2,470 2,445 2,474 2,552 2,550 2,553
Other central government Schools -5 -4 -4 -4 -4
Total central government 2,314 2,463 2,475 2,466 2,441 2,474 2,552 2,550 2,553
Of which: Total central government capital expenditure 302 283 265 269 289 299 282 279 271
Local authorities—Relevant current spending
Under fives 307 326 337 361 363 402 407 416 424
Primary schools 2,880 2,794 2,751 2,713 2,696 3,031 3,133 3,205 3,272
Secondary schools 4,215 4,216 4,252 4,213 4,143 4,573 4,648 4,762 4,665
Special schools 443 454 469 472 464 503 508 508 514
Meals and milk 505 489 485 467 451 455 434 432 429
Transport 222 219 222 217 213 219 206 200 196
Non-maintained school fees 136 136 134 132 125 125 118 114 109
Teachers centres 27 27 27 31 32 35 40 42 42
Child guidance 33 33 32 34 35 39 39 39 39
Pupil support 31 31 31 35 36 38 36 36 38
Higher and further education4
Advanced further education 642 724 724 730 719 743 707 729 735
Non-advanced further education 1,008 1,045 1,060 1,090 1,017 1,013 985 966 956
Adult education 85 92 98 102 105 110 107 107 108
Discretionary student awards and support 136 144 150 155 165 183 190 196 203
Misellaneous services, research and administration
Youth service 110 115 124 128 134 148 152 156 160
Recreational services and research 52 55 61 63 66 73 74 78 80
Administration and inspection costs 517 517 543 549 553 590 602 589 578
Total relevant current spending 11,348 11,418 11,502 11,492 11,317 12,283 12,386 12,576 12,548
Non-relevant current spending Mandatory student awards4 983 796 835 812 732 724 714 706 705
Local authority capital3
Schools 328 317 323 298 277 310 288 271 268
Higher and further education 109 139 132 136 121 135 50 46 46
Miscellaneous education services:
Youth service 8 14 11 13 11 11 8 7 7
Other education services 17 21 17 14 15 15 6 5 5
Total local authority capital 461 491 483 461 424 471 351 329 326
Total local authorities 12,791 12,706 12,820 12,766 12,472 13,479 13,452 13,611 13,578

1981–82 outturn 1982–83 outturn 1983–84 outturn 1984–85 outturn 1985–86 outturn1 1986–87 estimated outturn2 1987–88 plans 1988–89 plans 1989–90 plans
Total Department of Education and Science 15,105 15,168 15,294 15,232 14,913 15,954 16,004 16,157 16,130
1The 1985–86 figures incorporate a distribution by sector of total current spending by local authorities based on their provisional outturn expenditure on education.
2The 1986–87 figures incorporate a provisional distribution by sector of total current spending by local authorities based on their budgets.
3From 1981–82 local authority capital expenditure includes provision for the urban programme.
4 The change in the trend of higher education and student award figures between 1981–82 and 1982–83 reflects the reduction in tuition fees described in Cmnd. 8494.

Mr. Key

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will make a statement on expenditure to be supported by education support grant in 1987–88.

Mr. Kenneth Baker

In 1987–88 the Government intends to assist expenditure of £92 million in England through education support grant. My Department will pay grant on that expenditure at 70 per cent.—£64 million of Exchequer grant in all. Every local education authority in England will benefit from the programme.

Within the overall figure of £92 million, over £38 million of expenditure on schemes of midday supervision will be supported, and about £34 million of expenditure on other projects started this year or last. The amount available to start new projects next year will be £20.1 million. This will be spent on 10 activities. Of these, eight have appeared in previous programmes, and two are new types of pilot project this year; to promote social responsibility in young people; to develop the use of the spoken word by pupils aged 5 to 16.

All of the local education authorities in England bid for grant support, and for each of the activities subject to open bidding the total of bids exceeded the total expenditure which could be supported.

The Department will today inform local education authorities of the levels of expenditure which I have approved for all of the activities to be supported in 1987–88, except that relating to information systems for management of further education establishments on which I expect to announce approvals in the early spring.

The table sets out for the nine activities in which new starts are now approved the levels of expenditure to be supported next year and the numbers of authorities for whom I have approved projects.

New Starts Approved for 1987–88
Activity Total allocation (£m cash) Number of LEAs to be Supported
1. Provision of books and equipment for GCSE examination courses 10.0 197
2. Developing the use of the spoken word 0–31 7
3. Promoting social responsibility 1.11 20
4. Computerised learning aids for students in FE with special educational needs 0.47 32
5. Strengthening college-employer links in non-advanced further education 0.26 12
6. The provision of re-training and up-dating courses directed towards the needs of industry and commerce (PICKUP) 0.40 17
7. The development of information technology at FE establishments 3.86 84
8. The planning, development and co-ordination of provision to meet the educational needs of the unemployed 1.78 51
9. Support for parents in the teaching of children under five with special educational needs 0.52 16
1i.e. all