HC Deb 19 February 1987 vol 110 cc750-63W
Mr. Wigley

asked the Secretary of State for Wales if he will publish in the Official Report the corresponding tables for Wales to those published in the annual review of agriculture 1987, Cm. 67, as tables 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 20, 21, 22 and 26.

Mr. Nicholas Edwards

[pursuant to his answer, 12 February 1987, c. 295–6]: The information available is given in the tables. Certain elements are not available for Wales.

Agriculture in the Welsh Economy
Average of 1975–77 1982 1983 1984 1985 19864
Agriculture's contribution to gross domestic product1
£ million 209 380 329 406 390
Per cent. 4.3 3.9 3.1 3.7 3.1
Agricultural gross fixed capital formation2
£ million 5 113 123 133 136 119
Manpower engaged in agriculture3 ('000) 55 56 54 56 57 56
Percentage of total civilian manpower engaged in all occupations3 4.9 5.4 5.3 5.4 5.6 5.5
1 Excluding appreciation in value of work in progress and stocks. Gross domestic product at factor cost, current prices. Estimates of regional GDP are based mainly on income data. Data necessary to measure GDP in expenditure or output terms are not available at regional level.
2 All fixed assets (excluding work in progress and stocks).
3 Manpower engaged in agriculture between 1982 and 1986 comprises the numbers of self.employed, employers and employees in employment (excluding farmers' wives/husbands) given in the June censuses, censuses, are included.
4 Provisional.
5 Not available.

Crop areas and livestock numbers in Wales1
At June of each year
Average of 1975–77 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986
A. Crop areas (hectares)
Total area 1,680,240 1,684,532 1,690,097 1,690,891 1,693,902 1,696,579
of which:
Wheat 5,686 8,631 8,860 10,792 10,081 10,451
Barley 56,910 55,384 50,714 49,460 50,418 50,567
Oats 13,153 5,934 5,587 5,606 5,861 4,675
Mixed corn 3,817 1,083 900 822 845 643
Rye 61 87 144 154 146 177
Total cereals2 79,627 71,119 66,205 66,834 67,351 66,513
Potatoes 6,073 5,835 5,935 5,804 5,736 5,431
Sugar beet 203 122 142 172 195 152
Oilseed rape 207 213 345 364 535 621
Hops 1 3 2 2 5 4
Vegetables grown in the open3 1,082 1,096 937 879 898 959
Orchard fruit 163 124 117 102 99 95
Soft fruit4 173 277 331 313 292 285
Ornamentals5 293 226 202 173 180 189
Total horticulture56 1,753 1,758 1,630 1,510 1,509 1,572
Total tillage7 109,978 97,208 91,649 90,191 90,907 89,903
All grasses under five years old 166,712 166,189 167,227 164,465 173,775 168,947
Total arable 276,690 263,397 258,876 254,656 264,682 258,850
All grasses five years old and over 775,222 845,031 861,589 866,026 854,086 870,776
Rough grazing Sole rights 413,139 350,408 344,237 345,319 347,987 339,480
Common (estimated) 181,020 181,020 181,020 181,265 181,265 181,265
Other land (including woodland)8 34,230 44,676 44,376 43,625 45,882 46,208
B. Livestock numbers ('000 head)
Total cattle and calves

of which:

1,450.1 1,432.3 1,434.6 1,445.6 1,398.3 1,390.1
Dairy cows 346.5 364.9 377.0 378.6 364.5 364.8
Beef cows 209.7 183.3 179.4 178.2 174.6 173.0
Heifers in.calf 81.6 83.6 83.1 81.9 84.0 96.2
Total sheep and lambs

of which:

6,924.5 8,416.3 8,721.2 9,000.8 9,129.7 9,446.1
Ewes 2,820.3 3,342.2 3,477.4 3,591.0 3,645.1 3,724.7
Shearlings 665.0 783.8 792.9 801.2 815.3 836.8
Total pigs

of which:

153.0 139.3 147.3 128.4 125.8 129.5
Sows in.pig and other sows for breeding 17.2 14.4 15.0 12.9 13.8 13.8
Gilts in pig 3.1 3.1 2.4 2.1 2.3 2.3

Average of 1975–77 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986
Total fowl9 7,807.3 7,705.5 5,799.5 6,486.6 6,747.9 6,700.6
of which:
Table fowl (including broilers) 4,580.2 4,415.2 3,574.3 4,236.6 4,558.5 4,574.1
Laying fowl 1,973.1 2,054.3 1,391.6 1,319.7 1,195.4 1,228.5
Growing pullets 872.7 771.0 480.4 413.8 475.5 411.2
1 For all years the figures relate to all known agricultural holdings including minor holdings.
2 Cereals for threshing excluding maize.
3 Following a change of definition in England and Wales in 1986 "Vegetables grown in the open" and "Total horticulture" now include "Peas for harvesting dry and for human consumption". Data for 1984 and 1985 reflect this change.
4 Includes small area of soft fruit grown under orchard trees.
5 Hardy nursery stock, bulbs and flowers.
6 Most of the difference between total horticultural area and the sum of individual sectors is made up by glasshouse area.
7 Includes area of other crops and bare fallow not shown in the table.
8 Other land comprises farm roads, yards, buildings (excluding glasshouses), ponds and derelict land and gardens.
9 Because of changes in coverage of poultry holdings, data for 1983 and subsequent years cannot be directly compared with data for earlier years.

Numbers and size of holdings and enterprises1
At June 1983 At June 19863
Crops and grass area
Number of holdings ('000) with:
0.1 to 19.9 hectares 12,084 11,861
20 to 49.9 hectares 9,663 9,312
50 to 99.9 hectares 5,193 5,355
100 hectares and over 1,951 2,088
Total 28,891 28,616
Average crops and grass area per holding (hectares)2 38.2 39.0
Percentage of total crops and grass area on holdings with 0.1 to 19.9 hectares 10.1 9.6
100 hectares and over 28.7 29.6
Total cereals (excluding maize)
Number of holdings ('000) with:
0.1 to 19.9 hectares 4,911 4,527
20 to 49.9 hectares 647 628
50 hectares and over 200 225
Total 5,758 5,380
Average area (hectares) 11.5 12.3
Percentage of total grass area on holdings with 50 hectares and over of cereals 26.6 29.2
Number of holdings ('000) with:
0.1 to 9.9 hectares 2,718 2,187
10 to 19.9 hectares 89 102
20 hectares and over 55 40
Total 2,862 2,329
Average area (hectares) 2.0 2.3
Percentage of total potato area on holdings with 20 hectares and over on potatoes 27.8 24.3
Sugar beet
Number of holdings ('000) with:
0.1 to 9.9 hectares 4 11
10 to 19.9 hectares 4 6
20 hectares and over 3 2
Total 11 19
Average area (hectares) 12.9 8.0
At June 1983 At June 19863
Percentage of total sugar beet area on holdings with 20 hectares and over of sugar beet 55.6 38.2
Rape grown for oilseed
Number of holdings ('000) with:
0.1 to 19.9 hectares 33 45
20 to 49.9 hectares 5 11
50 hectares and over
Total 38 56
Average area (hectares) 9.0 10.4
Percentage of total oil seed rape area on holdings with 50 acres or more of oilseed
Dairy cows
Number of holdings ('000) with:
1 to 29 3,266 2,684
30 to 59 2,822 2,701
60 and over 2,172 2,155
Total 8,260 7,540
Average size of herd 45.5 48.3
Percentage of total dairy cows in herds of 60 and over 55.0 56.7
Beef cows
Number of holdings ('000) with:
1 to 19 8,140 7,830
20 to 49 2,597 2,516
50 and over 566 577
Total 11,303 10,923
Average size of herd 15.6 15.6
Percentage of total beef cows in herds of 50 and over 23.6 24.5
Breeding sheep
Number of holdings ('000) with:
1 to 99 6,178 6,234
100 to 499 7,448 7,591
500 and over 2,409 2,680
Total 16,035 16,505
Average size of flock 263.4 273.6
At June 1983 At June 19863
Percentage of total breeding sheep in flocks of 500 and over 50.7 52.8
Breeding pigs
Number of holdings ('000) with:
1 to 19 1,368 1,032
20 to 49 96 96
50 and over 73 64
Total 1,537 1,192
Average size of herd 10.6 13.1
Percentage of total breeding pigs in herds of 50 and over 50.2 55.9
Fattening pigs
Number of holdings ('000) with:
1 to 199 1,131 867
200 to 999 82 70
1,000 and over 11 11
Total 1,224 948
Average size of herd 67.3 76.8
Percentage of total fattening pigs in herds of 1,000 and over 28.5 34.2

Number of persons engaged in agriculture1
At June of each year
Average of 1985 to 1977 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986
Regular whole-time:
Male 4,960 4,406 4,252 3,934 3,735 3,476
Female 564 432 384 311 308 278
Male 4,314 2,737 2,727 2,507 2,745 2,855
Female 1,908 659 640 596 580 599
All male 9,274 7,143 6,979 6,441 6,480 6,331
All female 2,472 1,091 1,024 907 888 877
Total 11,746 8,234 8,003 7,348 7,368 7,208
Regular part-time:
Male 1,158 1,259 1,260 1,254 1,380 1,492
Female 638 479 455 432 431 480
Male 1,511 1,269 1,300 1,179 1,360 1,399
Female 1,230 622 603 602 641 688
All male 2,669 2,528 2,560 2,433 2,740 2,891
All female 1,868 1,101 1,058 1,034 1,072 1,168
Total 4,537 3,629 3,618 3,467 3,812 4,059
Seasonal or casual:
All male 5,456 7,038 6,756 7,191 7,537 7,329
All female 1,736 1,990 1,903 1,679 1,683 1,473
Total 7,192 9,028 8,659 8,870 9,220 8,802
Salaried managers 320 272 273 267 272 294
TOTAL EMPLOYED 23,795 21,163 20,553 19,952 20,672 20,363

At June 1983 At June 10863
Laying fowls
Number of holdings ('000) with:
1 to 4,999 6,934 6,166
5,000 to 19,999 43 30
20,000 and over 10 12
Total 6,987 6,208
Average size of flock 195.2 195.9
Percentage of total laying flocks of 20,000 and over 47.9 51.9
Number of holdings ('000) with:
1 to 9,999 46 62
10,000 to 99,999 26 27
100,000 and over 4 6
Total 76 95
Average size of flock 46,771.5 47,832.1
Percentage of total broilers in flocks of 100,000 and over 71.3 71.4
1 The figures in this table do not include minor holdings
2 The average size of holdings based on total area was:
1983 49.7 hectares of which 76.9 per cent. was under crops and grass.
1986 50.0 hectares of which 78.0 per cent. was under crops and grass.
3 Provisional.

Average of 1985 to 1977 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986
Farmers, partners and directors:
Whole-time 23,925 24,617 24,168 25,359 24,461 24,403
Part-time 6,778 9,991 9,016 10,298 11,852 11,340
TOTAL 30,703 34,608 33,184 35,657 36,313 35,743
TOTAL 54,498 55,771 53,737 55,609 56,985 56,106
Wives/husbands of farmers, partners and directors (engaged in farm work) .. 10,707 11,605 11,199 11,459 11,571
1 The figures are based on returns in the Agricultural Census. Wives/husbands of farmers, partners and directors engaged in farm work were collected for the first time in 1977. Figures for earlier years exclude this category and this is thought to explain the decrease in the number of regular whole-time and part-time female workers from 1977 onwards. Figures include estimates for all minor holdings in Wales not surveyed in the respective June censuses (see footnote (a) to table 3).

Estimated average yields of crops and livestock products in Wales
1982 1983 1984 1985 19861
Crops (tonnes/ hectare)
Wheat 6.19 4.91 6.96 5.97 6.58
Barley 4.62 4.13 5.15 4.49 4.60
Oats 4.03 3.87 4.89 4.19 4.06
Potatoes 28.84 29.25 29.59 30.09 28.94
Turnips and swedes 54.92 46.36 39.40 47.60 n/a
Mangolds and fodder beet 84.67 51.11 65.70 78.10 n/a
Kale, cabbage, savoy and kohl rabi for stockfeeding 43.01 42.87 38.20 38.80 n/a
Maize for threshing and stockfeeding 41.42 42.80 43.80 51.90 n/a
Milk (litres/cow) 4,588 4,703 4,646 4,547 4,618
Eggs (No./bird) 250.5 253.8 256.1 258.1 257.9

Gross Capital Formation, Wales
£ million
Average of 1975 to 1977 1982 1983 1984 1985 31986
Current prices
Plant, machinery and vehicles .. 42 43 47 45 46
Buildings and works .. 71 80 86 91 73
Gross fixed capital formation1 .. 113 123 133 136 119
Breeding livestock capital formation .. 8 4 -3 4 5
Stock appreciation .. .. .. .. .. ..
Value of physical increase2 .. 4 -2 -3 -7 -10
Increase in book value of stocks and work in progress .. .. .. .. .. ..
Constant 1980 prices
Plant, machinery and vehicles .. 38 38 39 35 ..
Buildings and works .. 68 77 83 87 ..
Gross fixed capital formation .. 106 115 122 122 ..
Breeding livestock capital formation .. .. .. .. .. ..
Value of physical increase in stocks and work in progress .. .. .. .. .. ..
1 The figures represent gross expenditure before crediting any grants which reduce the cost to the owner or occupier.Annual charges in the form of depreciation on fixed capital are made for these items in calculating farming income.
2 See Table 22 (item 10 minus item 15).
3 Forecast.
.. = Not available.

1 Forecast.

n/a not available.

Compound feeding stuffs1
Figures in thousands of tonnes
1982 1983 1984 1985
Cattle 202.9 226.7 163.8 145.5
Calf 11.4 12.7 10.2 13.4
Pig 8.9 13.0 8.4 8.6
Poultry 76.7 82.4 89.6 86.8
Sheep and lamb food and any other compounds and concentrates 10.0 13.7 19.6 19.4
Total compounds, balancers and concentrates 309.9 348.5 291.6 273.5
1 Production by compounders and millers in Wales.

Average Earnings and Hours of Agricultural Workers in Wales1
1982 1983 1984 1985 51986
Earnings £ per week2 97.72 106.65 111.07 124.16 132.4
Hours per week3 45.1 44.7 44.9 45.9 45.2
Earnings index in real terms (1980 = 100)4 100 104 103 109 112
1 For all hired regular whole-time male workers 20 years old and over.
2 Earnings include pay for statutory holidays and payments in kind which are valued at rates set down by the Agricultural Wages Boards. Payments in kind comprise houses (the principal benefit in England and Wales valued at £1.50 per week since 20 January 1976), board and lodgings and milk.
3 All hours worked and statutory holidays.
4 Deflated by the Retail Price Index.
5 Forecast.

Output, Input and Farming Income for Wales
Current Prices £ thousands
1982 1983 1984 1985 198613
Farm Crops:
Wheat 4,793 4,161 5,656 5,491 5,878
Barley 7,696 5,520 9,222 8,524 7,900
Oats 642 441 1,288 794 444
Other Cereals1
Total Cereals 13,131 10,122 16,166 14,809 14,222
Potatoes 13,742 15,203 12,998 9,846 12,563
Sugar beet 152 153 219 232 135
Hops 14 8 10 15 13
Hay 512 644 650 673 111
Grass and clover seed 31 37 48 82 87
Oilseed rape 188 261 355 440 609
Fodder and Other Minor Crops2 145 158 128 139 128
1. Total Farm Crops 27,915 26,586 30,574 26,236 28,534
Vegetables (including mushrooms) 6,018 7,167 7,447 7,797 8,715
Fruit 1,496 2,264 2,101 2,290 2,531
Flowers, bulbs and hardy stock 4,529 4,545 4,531 4,537 4,820
2. Total Horticulture 12,043 13,976 14,079 14,624 16,066
Fat cattle and calves 122,021 126,180 127,645 132,595 122,391
Fat sheep and lambs 102,745 110,800 123,472 124,656 131,492
Fat pigs 17,551 17,679 20,142 17,712 18,650
Poultry12 26,772 26,989 32,453 37,881 36,588
Store cattle and calves 62,486 63,825 68,996 67,946 69,166
Store sheep 6,082 6,820 8,501 8,260 8,432
Other Livestock4 500 500 541 568 574
3. Total Livestock 338,157 352,793 381,723 389,618 387,293
Livestock Products:
Milk and Milk Products (farm manufacture only) 244,458 268,438 253,199 246,102 260,536
Eggs 14,921 12,808 14,105 12,639 12,432
Clip Wool 6,562 7,196 7,196 7,400 8,200
Other livestock products5 1,739 1,763 2,847 3,408 3,785
4. Total Livestock Products 267,680 290,205 277,347 269,549 284,953
5. Total Own Account Capital Formation 17,988 17,472 10,752 14,546 13,782
6. TOTAL OUTPUT (1+2+3+4+5) 663,783 701,032 714,475 711,573 730,628
7. Total Compensation Payments etc 5,523 5,118 26,897 27,225 31,388
8. Total Production Grants 28,534 29,380 28,706 30,990 34,162
9. TOTAL RECEIPTS (6+7+8) 697,840 735,530 770,078 769,788 796,178

1982 1983 1984 1985 198613
Work-in-Progress and output stocks

Value of physical change in:

Work-in-Progress +3,594 -1,775 -5,086 -6,264 -9,671
Output Stock + 281 + 330 +2,346 -1,260 -189
10. Total Value of Physical Change +3,875 -1,445 -2,740 -7,524 -9,860
11. GROSS OUTPUT (9+10) 701,715 734,085 767,338 762,264 786,318
Intermediate Output:
Feed 11,110 8,567 13,610 12,356 11,780
Seed 884 667 1,148 998 882
12. Total Intermediate Output6 11,994 9,234 14,758 13,354 12,662
13. FINAL OUTPUT (11–12) 689,721 724,851 752,580 748,910 773,656
Feeding stuffs 167,028 193,829 175,054 178,632 179,113
Seeds 7,895 8,309 8,226 6,992 6,153
Livestock (imported and inter-farm expenses) 15,304 15,479 16,340 16,195 18,985
Fertilisers and Lime (before Subsidy) 53,383 63,074 69,129 69,820 66,189
Total Machinery 55,486 62,931 65,018 69,656 68,665
Total Farm Maintenance 14,744 16,655 17,478 18,674 19,506
Miscellaneous Expenditure7 70,751 80,459 87,713 93,275 98,600
14. TOTAL EXPENDITURE 384,591 440,736 438,958 453,244 457,211
15. Total Stock Change due to Volume +50 +945 -86 -35 +33
16. GROSS INPUT (14+15) 384,641 441,681 438,872 453,209 457,244
17. NET INPUT (16–12) 372,647 432,447 424,114 439,855 444,582
18. GROSS PRODUCT (11–16) or (13–17) 317,074 292,404 328,466 309,055 329,074
Plant, Machinery and Vehicles 52,700 54,600 55,600 58,000 55,100
Building and Works 36,100 37,500 40,000 42,700 40,565
19. Total Depreciation 88,800 92,100 95,600 100,700 95,665
20. NET PRODUCT (18–19) 228,274 200,304 232,866 208,355 233,409
Labour—Hired 39,173 41,923 40,146 41,479 43,677
Labour—Family and partners8 64,468 68,441 77,987 87,166 91,786
Interest9 39,790 42,550 37,680 50,432 46,704
Net Rent10 5,987 6,956 7,401 8,401 8,394
Fanning Income11 78,856 40,434 69,652 20,877 42,848
1 Mixed corn, maize and rye.
2 Straw and other minor crops.
3 Flower and vegetable seed and other minor products.
4 Horses, rabbits and game.
5 Goat milk and other minor livestock products.
6 Sales included in Output but subsequently repurchased and so reappearing in Input.
7 Electricity, veterinary expenses, pesticides, rates and other miscellaneous costs.
8 Regular family workers together with directors and non-principal partners.
9 On commercial debt for current farming purposes; ie excluding interest on land purchase.
10 Landlord's expenses are included within farm maintenance, miscellaneous expenditure and depreciation on buildings and works. Net rent is the rent paid on tenanted land less these landlord's expenses and the benefit value of dwellings on that land.
11 The income of farmers and their spouses after providing for depreciation and payment of interest and excluding stock appreciation.
12 Including poultry exports.
13 Forecast.

Index numbers of average net farm income per farm in Wales By main types of farming (1982–83 = 100) A. Current prices
Dairy LFA cattle and sheep Lowland cattle and sheep
1977–78 60 73 65
1978–79 74 90 71
1979–80 58 47 47
1980–81 65 74 80
1981–82 84 122 107
1982–83 100 100 100
1983–84 85 111 102
1984–85 61 135 41
1985–86 86 143 95
11986–87 93 148 33
1 Forecast.

B. Real terms
Dairy LFA cattle and sheep Lowland cattle and sheep
1977–78 105 127 114
1978–79 120 146 115
1979–80 81 66 65
1980–81 78 89 96
1981–82 90 131 115
1982–83 100 100 100
1983–84 81 106 97
1984–85 56 123 37
1985–86 72 119 79
11986–87 77 123 28
1 Forecast.

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