§ Mr. Alfred Morrisasked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list all the public bodies for which he is responsible on which the consideration of the appointment or co-option of a person with knowledge of disability is a statutory requirement; if he will name the persons so appointed or co-opted on each body; and if he will indicate which of those persons is a person with a disability.
§ Mr. Rifkind[pursuant to his reply, 21 January 1987, c. 576]By virtue of section 14 the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970, I am required, when making appointments to the Scottish Electricity Consultative Councils, to have regard to the desirability of including one or more persons with experience of work among, and the special needs of, disabled persons. This consideration is borne in mind when appointments are made, but no individual member of the Councils has so far been appointed solely by virtue of it. Records of whether persons appointed are disabled or not are not maintained, but I am aware that disabled persons have been and are328W included in the membership of the councils. There are no similar statutory requirements for the other bodies to which I make appointments.