HC Deb 11 February 1987 vol 110 cc254-7W
Mr. Hicks

asked the Paymaster General, for the Manpower Services Commission, YTS, adult training and community programmes, what are the total numbers involved since their inception for (a) England, (b) the south-west region and (c) Cornwall; and what are the available proportions who found permanent positions after taking part in these schemes.

Mr. Lee

[pursuant to his reply, 9 February 1987, c. 54]: The information is not available in the precise form requested. However, from the latest information available, the total numbers involved in YTS, adult training and community programmes and the percentage who were known to have found employment after taking part in the schemes in England, the south-west region and Cornwall are shown in the table.

Starts England South West Cornwall
1983–84 1293,500 126,200 1,234
1984–85 1328,251 28,400 1,730
1985–86 1329,800 129,800 1,994
1986–87 (April-December) 2311,477 28,469 11,824
Leavers known to be in employment
June 1984-March 1985 56 per cent. 62 per cent. 555 per cent.
April 1985-March 1986 58 per cent. 65 per cent. 55 per cent.
1979–80 74,000 6,400
1980–81 57,200 5,300
1981–82 66,600 5,900
1982–83 60,100 5,900
1983–84 65,900 6,300 4150
1984–85 73,900 6,100 469
1985–86 178,600 15,400 898
1986–87 (to December 1986) 205,669 23,810 1,850
Leavers known to be in employment
Information not available.

South-West Region Cornwall
1985–86 1986–87 1985–86 1986–87
Expenditure £ million Numbers Anticipated expenditure £ million Anticipated numbers Expenditure £ million Numbers Anticipated expenditure £ million Anticipated number
YTS 51.055 29,800 starts 56.647 28,800 entrants 3.167 1,994 starts 3.863 1,985 entrants
Adult training 17.448 15,400 starts 19.700 29,967 entrants 1.174 898 starts 1.850 2,377 starts
Technical vocational education initiative 2.968 3,925 4.526 5,425 0.543 584 0.654 750
Work related non-advanced further education 6.891 1 9.467 1 0.550 1 0.910 1
Employment rehabilitation centres 0.300 950 0.243 1,114 No provision in Cornwall

Starts England South West Cornwall
October 1982-December 1983 89,923 5,921 744
January-December 1984 118,307 9,330 1,370
January-December 1985 167,724 13,640 2,216
January-December 1986 241,232 21,902 3,088
Percentage of leavers in employment
April-December 1985 528 per cent. 31 per cent. n/a
1 These figures are definitive.
2 Figures quoted are for entrants which are first time starters to YTS.
3 June 1984-March 1985 figures are not available for the County of Cornwall: the figure quoted is for the area covered by the Manpower Services Commission Vocational and Education Training Group (VETG) Devon and Cornwall area office.
4 Not including Skillcentres.
5 The figure relates to Great Britain not England.

Mr. Hicks

asked the Paymaster General what is the cost of each Manpower Services Commission scheme and the numbers involved in (a) the south-west region and (b) Cornwall, respectively, in 1985–86 and 1986–87.

Mr. Lee

[pursuant to his reply, 9 February 1987, c. 54]: The amounts paid by the Manpower Services Commission to the providers of its principle schemes in the south-west* and in Cornwall in 1985–86 are given, where available, in the following table. The table also gives, where practicable, the numbers helped by those schemes in that year. Additionally the table shows the respective amounts the commission anticipates spending and the numbers it expects to help in 1986–87.

*The Manpower Services Commission south-west region covers the following counties:

  • Avon
  • Cornwall
  • Devon
  • Dorset
  • Somerset
  • Gloucestershire
  • Wiltshire

South-West Region Cornwall
1985–86 1986–87 1985–86 1986–87
Expenditure £ million Numbers Anticipated expenditure £ million Anticipated numbers Expenditure £ million Numbers Anticipated expenditure £ million Anticipated number
Geographical mobility scheme 0.509 1,005 0.165 972 2 225 2 257
Disabled persons Not available on a regional basis
Enterprise allowance scheme 9.300 5,326 entrants 15.270 9,250 entrants 2 1,358 entrants 2 1,383 entrants
Voluntary projects programme 0.809 3,760 0.988 5,050 0.052 241 0.045 460
Restart 0.014 1,608 interviews 0.785 73,500 interviews nil nil 0.071 7,295 interviews
Schemes administered by MSC on behalf of the Department of Employment
Sheltered employment 6.492 1,546 employed 6.204 1,594 employed 1.149 194 employed 1.133 214 employed
Community industry 0.685 197 0.730 200 2 2 2 2
Community programme 43.000 16,210 entrants 73.000 16,540 3entrants 6.000 2,556 entrants 10.000 2,318 3entrants
1 Numbers of students are not held by MSC.
2 Only available at regional level.
3 Entrants to the end of December.