§ Mr. Sean Hughesasked the Paymaster General what are the total number of people subject to special employment and training measures at the latest available date for the Knowsley local authority district; what are the measures and numbers affected in each case; and what were the comparable figures 12 months and 24 months previously.
§ Mr. LeeIt is not possible to give precise total figures for the Knowsley local authority district because of the various bases on which local information has been collected. The total number of people participating in the following employment, training and enterprise measures were:
(b) Estimates of the proportion of part-time adult female employees with gross hourly earnings below specified amounts for the west midlands region and West midlands metropolitan county are available from the New Earnings Survey and are shown in the table.
Percentage of Part-time Adult Female Employees with gross hourly-earnings below: percentage April 1986 Region Metropolitan County Gross hourly earnings 320p 83.1 82.1 Gross hourly earnings 340p 85.3 85.2 Comparable information for male part-time employees is not available.
§ Ms. Clare Shortasked the Paymaster General if he will publish a table showing, in April 1986, the proportion of full-time employees in the west midlands region and county, earning less than (a) £80, (b) £120, (c) £125 and (d) £130 per week exclusive of overtime payments, for male workers, male manual workers, male non-manual workers, and female workers, female manual workers, and female non-manual workers.
§ Mr. LeeThe available information relates to full-time adult employees working a full week and is set out in the table for the west midlands region and West Midlands metropolitan county.
Percentage with gross weekly earnings excluding overtime less than: £80 £120 £130 Region Metropolitan county Region Metropolitan county Region Metropolitan county Males Manual 2.3 2.6 28.0 23.6 37.8 33.1 Non-manual 1.5 1.6 10.5 10.2 14.5 14.9 All 1.9 2.2 20.6 17.7 27.9 25.1 Females Manual 21.7 24.0 79.0 78.9 87.0 87.1 Non-manual 9.2 8.6 49.5 47.4 59.0 57.1 All 12.6 12.7 57.7 55.7 66.8 65.0 SourceNew Earnings Survey, April 1986.