HC Deb 10 April 1987 vol 114 c478W
Mr. Lilley

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what information he has about the proportion of domestic dwellings owned by public sector authorities in other Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries; and what is the figure for the United Kingdom.

Mr. John Patten

I will write to the hon. Member.

Mr. Oppenheim

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) by how much gross county council expenditure has risen in Derbyshire, in real terms, between (a) 1980–81 and (b) 1981–82 and the latest date for which figures are available; and how these figures compare with the average gross county council expenditure rises over the same period of time;

(2) by how much current county council expenditure has risen in Derbyshire, in real terms, between (a) 1980-–81 and (b) 1981–82 and the latest date for which figures are available; and how these figures compare with the average current county council expenditure rises over the same period of time.

Mr. Chope

[pursuant to his reply, 9 April 1987]: The available information, based on returns received from local authorities, is as follows :

Percentage change in real1 terms
Net current expenditure2 1981–82 to 1986–87
Derbyshire County Council 15.9
Average for Shire County Councils 8.1
Gross expenditure3 1981–82 to 1985–86
Derbyshire County Council 6.6
Average for Shire County Councils -0.6
1 Using GDP deflator to convert cash values to constant prices.
2 "Net current expenditure" represents Rate Fund Revenue Account spending on services, ie excluding debt charges and other on current items, net of income such as sales fees and charges and non-relevant specific grants but gross of rate income, Rate Support Grant and Relevant Specific and Supplementary Grants.
3"Gross expenditure" represents Rate Fund Revenue Account gross spending on employees, other running expenses, debt charges and Revenue Contributions to Capital Outlay.

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