§ Mr. Prescottasked the Paymaster General if he will publish a table based on the 1984 and 1985 labour force
People without jobs looking for a job in the four week reference period1 who were available to start work within two weeks Great Britain Thousands Men Women Total Spring 1984 Spring 1985 Spring 1984 Spring 1985 Spring 1984 Spring 1985 Claiming benefits 1,581 1,604 536 535 2,117 2,140 Not claiming 257 184 720 645 977 828 Total, Great Britain of which: 1,838 1,788 1,256 1,180 3,094 2,968 South East 416 406 343 301 759 707 (including Greater London) (202) (189) (159) (135) (361) (324) East Anglia 40 45 34 43 74 87 South West 107 94 89 82 196 175 West Midlands 219 222 134 136 352 357 East Midlands 115 116 73 80 187 196 Yorks and Humberside 175 184 114 118 289 303 North West 277 264 169 161 446 424 North 147 143 89 75 236 217 Wales 110 105 73 62 183 168 Scotland 231 210 140 123 370 333 Note: The figures, from the labour force survey, are subject to sampling errors. In some cases figures may appear not to add because of rounding. 1 Including some waiting to start a new job already obtained, as in the definition of unemployment using broad ILO guidelines.
§ Mr. Prescottasked the Paymaster General if he will publish a table, based on the 1985 labour force survey, showing by region including Greater London, and by male and female, the numbers of people who (a) were without jobs and who looked for work in the four weeks before their labour force survey interview and were available to
536Wsurveys, for each region in Great Britain and for Greater London, by male/female, and claimant status, the numbers of people who had looked for a job in the four-week reference period, and who were available to start work within two weeks.
§ Mr. Kenneth ClarkeThe available information by claimant status from the 1984 and 1985 labour force survey is given in the following table. The surveys also showed that 938,000 and 1,080,000 people in 1984 and 1985 respectively were claiming benefits, so counting as unemployed in the monthly count, but either had a job or were not looking for work.
It is not possible to provide a reliable analysis of the regional figures by claimant status.
start work within two weeks who (i) wanted full-time jobs, (ii) wanted part-time jobs and (iii) who had no preference, (b) were unemployed according to the standard labour force survey definition who were looking for full-time jobs and the number looking for part-time jobs and the number who had no preference, (c) were in part-time jobs who 537W were looking for a different job with longer hours or looking for an additional job, (d) were looking for a different job with shorter hours, (e) were claimants not unemployed by the definition using broad International
(a) People without jobs who had looked for work in the previous four weeks3 and were available to start within two weeks. Great Britain Spring 1985 Thousands Men seeking: Women seeking: All seeking: Full time work Part time work No preference Did not apply1 Total Full time work Part time work No preference Did not apply1 Total Full time work Part time work No preference Did not apply1 Total Great Britain 1,424 84 190 89 1,788 455 495 202 28 1,180 1,880 579 392 118 2,968 of which: South East 303 31 36 36 406 115 134 40 12 301 417 166 76 48 707 (including Greater London) 135 14 20 19 189 54 56 17 2 135 189 71 38 26 324 East Anglia 34 2 2 2 45 14 21 2 2 43 47 23 13 2 87 South West 65 2 10 10 94 25 42 14 2 82 90 50 24 12 175 West Midlands 183 2 27 2 222 51 53 30 2 136 234 60 57 2 357 East Midlands 92 2 12 2 116 29 38 10 2 80 121 44 22 2 196 Yorkshire and Humberside 149 2 23 2 184 43 53 20 2 118 193 60 43 2 303 North West 214 11 28 11 264 65 60 31 2 161 279 72 59 15 424 North 119 2 14 2 143 29 29 16 2 75 149 32 30 2 217 Wales 91 2 2 2 105 27 22 13 2 62 117 27 19 2 168 Scotland 175 2 27 2 210 57 43 22 2 123 232 45 49 2 333 Note: The figures are subject to sampling errors. In some cases figures may appear not to add because of rounding. 1 Those seeking work as self-employed were not asked whether they wished to work full or part time. 2 Sample size too small to provide a reasonable estimate. 3 Including some waiting to start a new job already obtained, as in the definition of Unemployment using broad ILO guidelines.
(b) People unemployed according to conventional labour force definition Great Britain Spring 1985 Thousands Men seeking: Women seeking: All seeking: Full time work Part time work No preference Did not apply1 Total Full time work Part time work No preference Did not apply1 Total Full time work Part time work No preference Did not apply1 Total Great Britain 1,381 62 182 90 1,715 456 414 196 33 1,098 1,837 476 378 122 2,814 of which: South East 299 23 34 36 393 124 121 38 13 295 423 144 72 49 688 (including Greater London) 136 12 19 20 187 62 53 18 2 140 198 65 38 26 327 East Anglia 33 2 2 2 42 14 15 2 2 37 47 16 13 2 79 South West 63 2 10 12 90 25 32 14 2 73 88 38 24 14 163 West Midlands 176 2 25 2 212 49 46 29 2 127 226 51 54 2 339 East Midlands 89 2 12 2 111 28 32 10 2 73 117 36 22 2 183 Yorkshire and Humberside 145 2 21 2 179 43 39 18 2 104 188 46 39 2 282 North West 203 2 27 2 247 62 48 31 2 145 265 55 58 13 392 North 114 2 12 2 134 29 27 16 — 71 143 29 28 2 205 Wales 86 2 2 2 101 25 16 13 2 56 111 20 21 2 157 Scotland 173 2 26 2 207 56 38 20 2 117 229 40 47 2 324 Note: The figures are subject to sampling errors. In some cases figures may appear not to add because of rounding. 1 Those seeking work as self-employed were not asked whether they wished to work full or part time. 2 Sample size too small to provide a reasonable estimate. 3 Including some waiting to start a new job already obtained, as in the definition of Unemployment using broad ILO guidelines. 538W
People in part-time employment Great Britain Spring 1985 (thousands)
(c) Looking for a different job with longer hours or for an additional job
Men Women Total Great Britain of which 113 243 355 South East 35 80 114 (including Greater London) 13 28 40 East Anglia 1 13 17 South West 1 16 24 West Midlands 14 20 34 East Midlands 1 18 26 Yorks and Humberside 1 28 37 North West 14 32 46 Organisation guidelines on the grounds that they were employed, and (f) were claimants not unemployed by the conventional labour force survey definition on the grounds that they were employed.
§ Mr. Kenneth ClarkeThe available information is given in the following tables.
Men Women Total North 1 12 19 Wales 1 1 13 Scotland 1 18 26 1 Sample size too small to provide a reliable analysis of these figures by region.
(d) Looking for a different job with shorter hours Men Women Total Great Britain1 10 17 27 1 Sample size too small to provide a reliable analysis of these figures by region. See notes to table (a).
(e) Employed claimants1 Spring 1985 (thousands)
Men Women Total Great Britain2 108 90 198 1 Employed according to both broad ILO guidelines and conventional labour force definition. 2 It is not possible to provide a reliable analysis of these figures by region.