HC Deb 29 October 1986 vol 103 cc147-8W
Mr. Pike

asked the Paymaster General what has been the record of the restart programme in leading to participants (a) joining other training schemes, (b) becoming self-employed, (c) obtaining employment and (d) becoming involved in voluntary organisations.

Mr. Lee

Since restart became a national programme in July:

  1. (a) 5,488 people have started training courses (other than the restart course).
  2. (b) 1,585 people have taken the first steps to becoming self-employed through the enterprise allowance scheme.
  3. (c) 12,304 people have started jobs or employment on the community programme.
  4. (d) 1,054 people have joined the voluntary projects programme.

The figures given represent only those placings arising from referrals made at restart interviews. Seventy six per cent. of participants agree to pursue offers made at their interviews and some of these submissions are still in the process of being followed up. The placings also do not include the many people who later find jobs, or training, start self-employment or become involved with voluntary organisations wholly or partly as a result of advice given by counselling staff or on restart courses.

Mr. Leighton

asked the Paymaster General what percentage of those placed in jobs by the restart programme were eligible for the jobstart allowance; and what percentage of the budgeted cost of the jobstart allowance for the current financial year has been used.

Mr. Lee

By 11 September 1986, 10 per cent. of all people placed in employment by the restart programme were in receipt of the jobstart allowance. By 30 September 1986, 2 per cent. of the 1986–87 jobstart allowance budget had been used.