HC Deb 28 October 1986 vol 103 c88W
Mr. Tony Banks

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) if he will provide a breakdown by police area of the figures contained in the Home Office statistical bulletin issue 24/86 "Statistics on the operation of certain police powers under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 First Quarter 1986," tables 1 to 6, September 1986; and if he will also provide a breakdown of the table No. 6 by sex of the persons searched;

(2) if he will state the nature of the harmful article found as indicated in table No. 6 of the Home Office statistical bulletin issue 24/86; where on the person it was found; and whether or not the search was carried out by a police officer;

(3) if he will provide details of the type of class A drug and the quantity found as indicated in table 6 in the Home Office statistical bulletin issue 24/86; and if he will further state with what offence the persons on whom these drugs were found were charged and in which police authority area;

(4) if he will provide details by category of offence of the number of charges laid against persons detained arid recorded in table No. 4 in the Home Office statistical bulletin issue 24/86.

Mr. Douglas Hogg

Quarterly figures for individual police forces are likely to be subject to considerable variation and so, as stated in note 2 to the Home Office statistical bulletin Issue 24/86, it is intended to publish figures for individual police forces only in an annual bulletin, which it is planned to publish in the spring of 1987. The other requests relate to information which is not collected centrally and which could be provided only at disproportionate cost.