HC Deb 28 November 1986 vol 106 cc378-80W
Mr. Terlezki

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is the United Kingdom's annual contribution to the United Nations budget; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Eggar

The United Kingdom's contribution to the United Nations regular budget varies from year to year depending upon the size of the budget and the United Kingdom's assessed share. In 1986 the United Kingdom's share was £23,892,000.

Mr. Terlezki

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list all the current United Nations member countries, together with their annual contribution to the United Nations budget; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Eggar

The United Nations publishes a list of member states and their assessed annual contributions to its regular budget. The assessments vary from year to year depending upon the total of the budget and how it is apportioned. Those for 1986 have been placed in the Library of the House.

Mr. Terlezki

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what information he has as to how many member countries are in arrears with their annual payment to the United Nations, and for how many years in each case; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Eggar

The United Nations Secretary-General publishes regular reports on the status of contributions to the United Nation's regular budget. The latest gives the position at 30 September 1986. Of the 98 member states that were still in arrears at that date the following 49 owed more than the amounts assessed for 1986:

Member country 1986 Assessment $ Amount Outstanding $
Antigua 70,043 106,457
Belize 70,043 135,857
Benin 70,043 200,826
Bolivia 70,043 132,643
Burkina Faso 70,043 86,781
Burundi 70,043 136,643
Cape Verde 70,043 100,826
Central African Republic 70,043 124,686
Comoros 70,043 201,043
Cuba 630,390 876,366
Democratic Kampuchea 70,043 188,439
Dominica 70,043 176,125
Dominican Republic 210,130 475,506
El Salvador 70,043 191,433
Equatorial Guinea 70,043 253,172
Gambia 70,043 210,775
Grenada 70,043 110,341
Guatemala 140,087 274,884
Guinea-Bissau 70,043 220,207
Guyana 70,043 152,866
Haiti 70,043 70,888
Iran 4,412,737 7,912,792
Israel 1,540,957 3,786,964
Jamaica 140,087 145,901
Lao People's Democratic Republic 70,043 193,846
Lebanon 70,043 191,672
Liberia 70,043 161,041
Libya 1,821,130 2,676,717
Nicaragua 70,043 219,809
Niger 70,043 215,864
Paraguay 140,087 213,483
Peru 490,304 1,157,707
Philippines 700,434 904,631
Poland 4,482,781 6,472,818
Qatar 280,174 477,617
Romania 1,330,326 3,867,682
St Christopher and Nevis 70,043 133,944
St Lucia 70,043 212,342
Sao Tome and Principe 70,043 135,867
Sierra Leone 70,043 157,682
Somalia 70,043 75,857
South Africa 3,081,912 27,566,416
Togo 70,043 156,265
Turkey 2,385,563 4,778,204
Uganda 70,043 200,826
USA 210,277,200 247,003,532
Vietnam 70,043 164,279
Zaire 70,043 128,280
Zimbabwe 140,087 203,222

The following 15 member countries owed an amount equal to their 1986 assessment:

Member country 1986 assessment ($)
Barbados 70,043
Bhutan 70,043
Chad 70,043
Democratic Yemen 70,043
Lesotho 70,043
Madagascar 70,043
Maldives 70,043
Mauritius 70,043
Saint Vincent 70,043
Samoa 70,043
Solomon Islands 70,043
Syrian Arab Republic 280,174
United Arab Emirates 1,260,781
Uruguay 280,174
Yemen 70,043

The following 33 Member countries owed less than their 1986 assessment:

Member country 1986 assessment $ Amount outstanding $
Angola 70,043 53,751
Argentina 4,342,694 3,363,498
Brazil 9,806,082 8,168,721
Bulgaria 1,120,695 772,708
Byelorussia 2,381,477 1,766,338
Colombia 910,565 663,017
Congo 70,043 60,242
Costa Rica 140,087 126,014
Cote D'Ivoire 140,087 50,087
Czechoslovakia 4,903,041 824,722
Ecuador 210,130 190,570
France 44,617,669 4,357,157
German Democratic Republic 9,315,778 4,161,201
Honduras 70,043 36,240
Hungary 1,540,957 1,219,574
India 2,451,521 51,467
Indonesia 980,608 135,013
Mali 70,043 63,346
Mauritania 70,043 64,813
Mexico 6,233,867 31,975
Mongolia 70,043 61,864
Nigeria 1,330,826 801,841
Panama 140,087 100,087
Senegal 70,043 38,951
Sudan 70,043 887
Trinidad and Tobago 28,174 145,097
Tunisia 210,130 185,395
Ukrainian SSR 8,965,560 5,590,282
USSR 71,444,305 38,643,032
Tanzania 71,909 49,040
Vanuatu 70,043 4,229
Yugoslavia 3,221,999 1,739,394
Zambia 70,043 1,495

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