HL Deb 27 November 1986 vol 482 cc695-6WA
Lord Brockway

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will state the names of the delegations who voted in favour, against and abstained on the resolution at the United Nations General Assembly on the demilitarisation on the South Atlantic; whether the resolution extends in application to the Falkland Islands; and, if not, what is its border line.

The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Baroness Young)

The voting on 27th October was as follows:

Albania Finland Nigeria
Algeria Gabon Norway
Angola German Oman
Antigua/Barbuda Democratic Pakistan
Argentina Republic Panama
Australia Ghana Papua New
Austria Greece Guinea
Bahamas Grenada Paraguay
Bahrain Guinea Peru
Bangladesh Guinea-Bissau Philippines
Barbados Guyana Poland
Benin Haiti Qatar
Bhutan Hungary Romania
Bolivia Iceland Rwanda
Botswana India Saint Lucia
Brazil Indonesia Sao Tome
Brunei Iran Saudi Arabia
Bulgaria Iraq Senegal
Burkina Faso Ireland Sierra Leone
Burma Israel Singapore
Burundi Ivory Coast Somalia
Byelorussian Soviet Jamaica Spain
Socialist Republic Jordan Sri Lanka
Cameroon Kenya Suriname
Canada Kuwait Sweden
Cape Verde People's Tanzania
Central African Democratic Thailand
Republic Republic of Laos Togo
Chad Lebanon Trinidad-Tobago
Chile Lesotho Tunisia
China Libya Turkey
Colombia Madagascar Uganda
Congo Malawi Ukrainian Soviet
Cuba Malaysia Socialist
Cyprus Maldives Republic
Czechoslovakia Mali USSR
People's Malta United Arab
Democratic Mauritania Emirates
Republic of Mauritius United Kingdom
Yemen Mexico Uruguay
Denmark Mongolia Venezuela
Djibouti Morocco Vietnam
Ecuador Nepal Yemen Arab
Egypt New Zealand Republic
Equatorial Guinea Nicaragua Yugoslavia
Ethiopia Niger Zimbabwe
United States of America
Belgium Italy Netherlands
France Japan Portugal
Federal Republic of Germany Luxembourg

The exact geographical boundaries of the proposed zone of peace were not defined by the resolution. In an explanation of vote, however, the UK representative inter alia put on record our understanding that it will consist of the South Atlantic ocean between Africa and South America not already covered by treaty.