§ Mr. Tom Coxasked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will list the number of times an illegal radio station has been raided by officers of his Department and the times that the equipment of these stations has been confiscated; and if he will name the stations that have been raided during the last 12 months.
§ Mr. ButcherDuring the 12 months my Department's radio investigation service (RIS) has carried out 218 raids on 84 different unlicensed broadcasting stations. Equipment has been seized on all occasions by the RIS and is detained under their powers under section 79 of the Telecommunications Act 1984 as evidence pending possible court proceedings. At the conclusion of a successful prosecution it is for the courts to decide whether the equipment should be forfeited.
The following is a list of the 84 unlicensed stations raided during the last 12 months.
- AC Radio
- Alice's Restaurant
378- Cityside
- Contrast
- Confidence Radio
- County Radio
- Concept Radio
- Commodore
- Dad
- Duck radio
- Emperor
- Fame
- Flashback
- Galaxy
- Genesis
- Greek Community Radio
- Imagine
- Jule FM
- Joy Radio
- JFM (South)
- Kiss
- Kiss (Wirral)
- K 104
- "K" Sound
- Links Radio
- Merseywaves
- Mi Amigo
- Neptune
- People's Choice
- Phoenix
- Prime Time
- Primrose
- Quest
- Rock and Rock
- Reach Radio
- Border Radio
- Central Radio INT
- Rugby Community
- Radio Annabella
- Radio Orion
- Radio Sanctum
- Radio Sovereign
- Radio Wave
- Renegade
- Radio Free City
- Radio South Wirral
- Radio Fox
- Storton Community
- South East Sounds
- Sina
- Starpoint
- Studio One
- Sunshine Radio (Lytham)
- Sunshine Radio (Ludlow)
- Time FM
- The Big One
- Three Boroughs
- Trax
- Tropical Roots
- Twilight
- Veronica
- Voice of Greek Cypriots
- Wirral
- No call sign (1611 kHz)
- No call sign (90.0 MHz)
- No call sign (90.6 MHz)
- No call sign (92.0 MHz)
- No call sign (93.5 MHz)
- No call sign (94.3 MHz)
- No call sign (95.2 MHz)
- No call sign (103.4 MHz)
- No call sign (106.05 MHz)