HC Deb 20 November 1986 vol 105 cc315-6W
Mr. Teddy Taylor

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the total sum which the European Economic Community plans to spend on all its activities in the current year; what estimate has been made of spending in 1987; what were the comparable figures for each of the years from 1980 to 1985; and if he will publish a table giving comparable information for each year of the amount spent by the European Economic Community, respectively, on the common agricultural policy and collectively on the storage, export and destruction of food surpluses.

Mr. Brooke

The 1986 Community budget provides for expenditure (payments appropriations) of 35,174 million ecu. The 1987 budget has not yet been adopted. The 1987 draft budget, which does not take account of amendments and modifications proposed by the European Parliament, provides for expenditure of 35,946 mecu. The figures for total planned expenditure in each of the years 1980 to 1985 are given in the table below. The table also sets out the information required on Community expenditure on the common agricultural policy and, collectively, on the public storage and export of products in structural surplus—cereals, sugar, milk products, beef and wine—and on withdrawals from the market of fish and fresh fruit and vegetables.

Total planned1Community expenditure Total CAP2 expenditure Expenditure on2 3 storage etc.
1980 16,182 11,944 5,434
1981 18,434 11,581 4,849
1982 21,984 13,077 4,610
1983 25,061 16,637 5,567
1984 27,249 19,093 6,919
1985 28,433 20,549 7,344
1986 35,174 23,104 9,066
1 Figures relate to total payments appropriations in the final adopted budget for the Community, including supplementary and amending budgets.
2 Outturn figures to 1985 (source: EC Commission EAGGF Financial Reports). Budget figures for 1986.
3 In some circumstances withdrawn produce finds no end use and is assumed to be spoilt or wasted although the expenditure involved is not separately identified in the relevant Community statistics.

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