HL Deb 20 November 1986 vol 482 c428WA
Baroness Carnegy of Lour

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will list United Kingdom members of the Economic and Social Committee of the European Economic Community.

Lord Trefgarne

The United Kingdom members of the Economic and Social Committee are listed below in alphabetical order. They were sworn in for a four-year term on 21st October.

Mr. W. Aspinwall, Managerial, Professional and Staff Liaison Group.

Professor W. Black, formerly Queens' University, Belfast.

Mrs. E. Blatch, CBE, Cambridgeshire County Council.

Mr. J. R. Boddy, MBE, National Union of Agriculture and Allied Workers.

Mr. I. M. Campbell, CVO, Scottish Railways Board.

Mr. C. Christie, Scottish Trades Union Congress.

Mr. J. A. de Normann, National Council of Building Material Producers.

Miss E. G. Dodd, Northern Engineering Industries Parsons Ltd.

Mr. K. J. Gardner, Mars European Food Legislation Committee.

Mr. E. A. B. Hammond, OBE, Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications and Plumbing Union.

Mr. C. A. Hancock, Adviser to Enterprise and Deregulation Unit, Department of Employment.

Mr. T. Jenkins, TUC International Department.

Miss A. Maddocks, National Association of Local Government Officers.

Mr. R. J. Moreland, Management Consultant.

Mr. W. G. Poeton, Union of Independent Companies.

Dr. A. Robinson, University College, Cardiff.

Mr. A. R. Smith, National Union of Tailors and Garment Workers.

Mr. L. J. Smith, OBE, Transport and General Workers' Union.

Mr. G. H. Speirs, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities.

Dr. P. Storie-Pugh, CBE, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

Mr. M. P. Strausss, National Farmers Union.

Mr. K. M. Tamlin, Mail Order Traders' Association.

Mr. F. J. Whitworth, General Council of British Shipping.

Mrs. A. Williams, MBE, National Federation of Consumer Groups.