HC Deb 23 May 1986 vol 98 c383W
Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will publish in the Official Report the number of cancer patients treated in the radiotherapy and onocology department at Westminster hospital in each of the last three years; what was the number of clinical and other staff at present employed; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Hayhoe

I regret that I cannot give the hon. Member all the information he seeks. The information available centrally is given in the table. The hon. Member may wish to write to the chairman of the Riverside district health authority for the other information requested.

Westminster Hospital
Specialty 1982 1983 1984
In-patient cases 540 522 494
Day cases nil 1 1
Total out-patient attendances * 12,042 12,801
Medical Oncology
In-patient cases 864 1,077 966
Day cases 2 2 6
Total out-patient attendances 3,109 3,284 3,713
* Not available.

Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services until when he proposes to postpone further consideration of the proposals to close Westminster hospital; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Hayhoe

The Riverside health authority has under review the future pattern of services in the district. It is considering a range of options for the way services are provided and where, including those at present provided by the three district general hospitals (St. Stephen's, Westminster and Charing Cross Hospitals). Decisions on future service provision will be taken in the light of this work. There is no presupposition that one of these three hospitals must close.