HC Deb 06 May 1986 vol 97 cc58-9W
Sir John Osborn

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will make a statement on the progress being made by the Governments of the member countries of CERN to review expenditure on high energy physics following the meeting which he attended of CERN's council.

Mr. Walden

[pursuant to his reply, 8 April 1986, c. 47]: After the meeting of the CERN committee of council on 25 April, Professor Kummer, the president of council, announced that Professor A. Abragam would chair the review of the organisation, and issued the following statement. Professor, W. Kummer, President of CERN Council, is appointing on behalf of Council and after consultation with its Committee, which met on 25 April—seven European personalities to be members of the high—level group established by CERN Council last February for conducting an in-depth, comprehensive review of CERN. They are:

Professor A. Abragam (1914—France)

  • Nuclear and Solid State Physics
  • College de France. French Atomic Energy Commission.

Dr. M. Boyer (1939—Spain)

  • Economics and Physics
  • 59
  • President of the 'Banco Exterior De Espana'

Dr. C. De Benedetti (1934—Italy)

  • Electrotechnical Engineer:
  • Managing Director of Olivetti.

Professor B. F. F. Fender (1934—UK)

  • Physical Chemistry:
  • Vice Chancellor of the University of Keele.

Professor W. Paul (1913—FRG)

  • Experimental Physics Bonn University

Mr. Haakon Sandvold (1921—Norway)

  • Engineer: Director of Ardal of Sunndal Verk AJS.

Professor J. Vodoz (1932—Switzerland)

  • Technical Sciences: President Amysa SA (Yverdon)

The Group is expected to start its work before this summer and to report to the CERN Council by June 1987."

This in-depth review was established following a UK initiative at a specially convened meeting of the CERN council in February and was reported to the House on 21 February at columns 355 and 356.

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