HC Deb 21 March 1986 vol 94 c313W
Mr. Freeman

asked the Paymaster General if he now has final figures for the number of entrants to YTS in 1984–85; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Trippier

The Manpower Services Commission has released figures today which show that there were 397,351 entrants to YTS in 1984–85.

Cumulative figures at the end of each month were:

April 10,942
May 24,160
June 72,466
July 140,255
August 197,718
September 296,907
October 333,537
November 352,031
December 360,197
January 379,380
February 390,404
March 397,351

The figures given above represent the actual number of scheme starts including second and subsequent starts where trainees have transferred between schemes. We estimate that the number of individuals entering YTS is some 10 per cent. lower than the figures for starts in the table.

These figures differ from those published during 1984–85 because they include notifications of starts which had not been received by the time that the monthly statistics were announced.

The Commission's computerised management informaqution system, from which YTS statistics are obtained, is currently being re-programmed and improved to meet the needs of two year YTS. As a result of this work on the computer system, we will not be able to provide a full range of information on one-year or two-year YTS, including details below area level, until towards the end of summer 1986. However, the most important national, regional and area YTS statistics will continue to be available and more detailed information will be available retrospectively when the re-programming work has been completed.

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