HC Deb 20 March 1986 vol 94 cc281-2W
Mr. Bermingham

asked the Paymaster General, in the light of the latest Swedish study showing that mice

Age and Duration Analysis of the Unemployed for Statistical Date 9 January 1986 Males
Barnsley East Parliamentary Constituency
Duration of Unemployment in weeks Under 17 17 18 19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60 and over Total
One or less 4 8 7 0 12 9 11 7 2 1 4 2 1 68
Over 1 and up to 2 3 4 3 2 18 29 20 27 26 21 42 8 3 206
Over 2 and up to 4 5 6 9 6 15 10 9 16 10 8 154 57 3 305
Over 4 and up to 6 2 16 101 1 21 14 9 10 7 11 71 22 6 210
Over 6 and up to 8 6 7 6 7 19 8 11 5 5 5 8 5 5 97
Over 8 and up to 13 11 27 13 9 44 21 26 26 20 26 40 20 7 290
Over 13 and up to 26 71 70 61 26 86 58 41 31 26 20 138 273 51 952
Over 26 and up to 39 8 45 38 24 60 34 31 27 14 17 42 49 16 405
Over 39 and up to 52 0 8 16 18 29 19 15 14 11 8 13 17 5 173
Over 52 and up to 65 0 7 19 19 31 18 12 15 11 6 9 13 4 164
Over 65 and up to 78 0 26 20 18 37 15 13 15 12 8 8 13 0 185
Over 78 and up to 104 0 1 16 17 35 31 21 25 17 12 27 54 2 280
Over 104 and up to 156 0 0 14 25 58 54 45 44 30 24 26 103 0 433
Over 156 and up to 208 0 0 0 8 56 29 33 26 31 12 20 49 0 264
Over 208 and up to 260 0 0 0 0 43 25 30 30 24 19 17 25 0 213
Over 260 0 0 0 0 27 46 52 53 31 27 34 43 0 313
Grand totals Males 110 225 231 190 621 420 379 371 277 225 653 753 103 4,558

exposed to low-level radiation from visual display units produce a higher than average incidence of stillborn or deformed offspring, what steps he proposes to take to strengthen the National Radiological Protection Board's powers to regulate and control hazards arising from low level radiation.

Mr. Trippier

Early reports of the Swedish study suggested a higher than average incidence of birth defects but in fact no significant increase was found. The National Radiological Protection Board does not consider that emissions from visual display units present a risk during pregnancy.

Mr. Bermingham

asked the Paymaster General if, in the light of the industrial tribunal's decision in the cases of Mrs. Hazel Johnson from Inverness, he proposes to issue any further guidelines to employers in case of pregnant women working with visual display units.

Mr. Trippier

The Health and Safety Executive has recently published a free guidance leaflet on working with visual display units. The leaflet advises that there is no reason for pregnant women to stop working with visual display units but they should consult a doctor if they have any doubts.

Mr. Bermingham

asked the Paymaster General what steps he proposes to take in conjunction with the Health and Safety Executive to seek to control static electricity and heat build-up in offices from visual display units.

Mr. Trippier

Existing Health and Safety Executive guidance deals with the control of static electricity and other relevant environmental factors. The executive continues to keep possible health risks from visual display units under review. Guidance will be revised as necessary.