HC Deb 05 March 1986 vol 93 cc150-6W
Mr. Ralph Howell

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will compare retirement and other state pensions and all other welfare and national insurance benefits and allowances paid in November 1979 with those paid in November 1985; and also show the 1985 payments as a percentage of those of 1979.

Mr. Major

The information requested is set out in the following table. May I also take this opportunity to correct a figure in my predecessor's reply to my hon. Friend on 6 February 1985, at columns 595–600. Under item 14 (supplementary benefit) the November 1979 scale rate for a dependent child aged 18 or over was given as £18.95. It should have read £14.65.

A November 1979 £ B November 1985 £ Percentage increase (B over A) per cent.
2. Widows' Benefits (WB)
Widows' Allowance 32.60 53.60 64.4
Widowed Mothers' Allowance 23.30 38.30 64.4
Widows' Pension 23.30 38.30 64.4
Age-related widows' pension—30 per cent. to 93 per cent. of rate of widows' pension
3. Invalidity Pension (IVP)
—single 23.30 38.30 64.4
—couple 37.30 61.30 64.3
Invalidity allowance
—higher rate 4.90 8.05 64.3
—middle rate 3.10 5.10 64.5
—lower rate 1.55 2.55 64.5
4. Unemployment Benefit (UB)
Under pension age
—single 18.50 30.45 64.6
—couple 29.95 49.25 64.4
Over pension age
—single 23.30 38.30 64.4
—couple 37.30 61.30 64.3
5. Sickness Benefit (SB)
Under pension age
—single 18.50 29.15 57.6
—couple 29.94 47.15 57.4
Over pension age
—single 23.30 36.65 57.3
—couple 37.30 58.65 57.2
6. Maternity Allowance (MA)
—single 18.50 29.15 57.6
—couple 29.95 47.15 57.4
Maternity grant (lump sum) 25.00 25.00 00.0
7. Attendance Allowance
—higher rate 18.60 30.60 64.5
—lower rate 12.40 20.45 64.9
8. Severe Disablement Allowance (SDA)/NCIP
—single 14.00 23.00 64.3
—couple 22.40 36.75 64.1
9. Invalid Care Allowance (ICA)
—single 14.00 23.00 64.3
—couple 22.40 36.75 64.1
10. Mobility Allowance 12.00 21.40 78.3
11. Child Benefit *4.00 7.00 75.0
12. One Parent Benefit 2.50 4.55 82.0
13. Family Income Supplement
Prescribed amount—one child family† 56.00 *97.50 74.1
Increase for each additional child† 4.50 11.50 155.6
Maximum payment—one child family 13.50 25.00 85.2
Increase for each additional child 1.00 2.00 100.0
14. Supplementary Benefit
Supplementary pension
—single 23.70 37.50 58.2
—couple 37.65 60.00 59.4
—non-householder 18.95 30.00 58.3

A November 1979 £ B November 1985 £ Percentage increase (B over A) per cent.
Long-term scale rate
—single 23.70 37.50 58.2
—couple 37.65 60.00 59.4
—non-householder 18+ 18.95 30.00 59.3
—non-householder 16–17 11.25 23.00 104.4
Ordinary rate
—single 18.30 29.50 61.2
—couple 29.70 47.85 61.1
—non-householder 18+ 14.65 23.60 61.1
—non-householder 16–17 11.25 18.20 61.8
Dependent children
—18+ 14.65 23.60 61.1
—16–17 11.25 18.20 61.8
—11–15‡ 7.70–9.35 15.10 96.1–61.5
—under 11‡ 5.20–6.25 10.10 94.2–61.6
Blind addition 1.25 1.25 0
Heating additions
—higher rate 2.85 5.45 91.1
—middle rate ║1.90
—lower rate 0.95 2.20 131.6
Central heating additions
—higher rate 1.90 4.40 131.6
—middle rate ║0.95
—lower rate 0.50 2.20 340.0
Estate rate heating additions
—higher rate n.a. 8.80
—lower rate n.a. 4.40
Dietary additions
—lower rate 1.05 1.60 52.4
—higher rate 2.50 3.70 48.0
—kidney dialysis 7.10 10.65 50.0
Notional laundry charge 0.10 0.55 450.0
Extra bath until 1980 0.30
Board and Lodging personal expenses
Over pension age
—single 6.85 10.85 58.4
—couple 11.80 21.70 83.9
Long term rate
—single 6.85 10.85 58.4
—couple 11.80 21.70 83.9
Ordinary rate
—single 5.95 9.70 63.0
—couple 9.70 19.40 100.0
—18+ 5.95 9.70 63.0
—16–17 3.65 5.85 60.3
—11–15‡ 2.60–3.10 5.00 92.3–61.3
—under 11‡ 1.60–2.05 3.25 103.1–58.5
Meals allowance (per meal)
—breakfast 0.65 1.10 69.2
—main meal 0.90 1.55 72.2
Increase in maximum amounts for board and lodging
—single 17.30
—couple 34.60
Maintenance and insurance allowance 1.07 1.85 72.9
15. Industrial Disablement Pension
—over 18 38.00 62.50 64.5
—under 18 23.30 38.30 64.4
Reduced rates 10 per cent. to 90 per cent. of basic rate
Maximum disablement gratuity (lump sum) 2,530.00 4,150.00 64.0
Unemployability supplement 23.30 38.30 64.4
Increases for early onset of incapacity
—higher rate 4.90 8.05 64.3
—middle rate 3.10 5.10 64.5
—lower rate 1.55 2.55 64.5
Maximum special hardship allowance 15.20 25.00 64.5
Exceptionally severe disablement allowance 15.20 25.00 64.5

A November 1979 £ B November 1985 £ Percentage increase (B over A) per cent.
Industrial Death Benefit
—initial rate 27.30 53.60 96.3
—higher permanent rate 20.05 38.85 93.8
—lower permanent rate 5.85 11.49 96.4
Constant Attendance Allowance
—normal maximum rate 15.20 25.00 64.5
—part-time rate 7.60 12.50 64.5
—intermediate rate 22.80 37.50 64.5
—exceptional rate 30.40 50.00 64.5
16. Workmen's compensation, pneumoconiosis, byssinosis and other schemes
—maximum major incapacity allowance 38.00 62.50 64.5
—partial disablement allowance 14.00 23.00 64.3
17. Housing Benefit•
Needs allowance
—single 31.05 47.70 53.6
—couple/single parent 45.55 70.20 54.1
—single handicapped 34.60 53.20 53.8
—couple—one handicapped 49.10 75.70 54.2
—couple—both handicapped 50.80 78.25 54.0
—pensioner addition n.a. 0.85
—dependent child addition 7.70 14.50 88.3
18. Dependency Additions
For child
—with MA, SB, UB 1.70
—with IVP, RP, WB, NCIP/SDA, ICA, and if claimant over pension age, with SB and UB 7.10 8.05 13.4
For spouse
—with NCIP/SDA and ICA 8.40 13.75 63.7
—with MA and SB under pension age 11.45 18.00 57.2
—with MA and SB over pension age 14.00 22.00 57.1
—with UB under pension age 11.45 18.80 64.2
—with UB over pension age 14.00 23.00 64.3
—with IVP and unemployability supplement 14.00 23.00 64.3
—with RP 14.00 23.00 64.3

All benefits are weekly rates unless otherwise stated.

n.a.—Not available at that time.

* April 1979 rate.

† These are not rates of benefit.

‡ 1979 scales for children: 13–15; 11–12; 5–10; under 5.

║ Middle rate abolished 1980.

¶ Changes in the supplementary benefits scheme since 1980 mean no comparable rates are available.

• 1979 rates are comparable figures—housing benefit scheme not fully introduced until April 1984–85.

■ Abolished 1984.

* Amount for family with child under 11. Age-related amounts introduced from November 1985.

Mr. Meacher

asked the Secretary of Social Services what is the maximum loss at current benefit rates that will be sustained under the changes proposed in the Social Security Bill by a young person aged under 25 years without children who is (a) not in work and claiming supplementary benefit and (b) in work and claiming housing benefit; under what circumstances these losses will be sustained; and how many people he estimates will be affected to this extent.

Mr. Newton

The variations in claimants' circumstances are such that it is not possible to give a figure of the maximum loss or gain which an individual claimant might experience, or the precise circumstances which might give rise to it. The technical annex published with Cmnd. 9691, however, includes tables which illustrate, on the basis of the assumptions explained in pages 9 to 14 of the annex, the effect of the move to income support on the benefit entitlement of young childless people under 25. The tables show the range of increases and decreases in benefit entitlement, including those whose underlying entitlement would decrease by £5 or more. In the main, these are likely to be the minority of young people in this age group who are householders. Those on benefit at the time of change would receive transitional protection.

The tables in the annex also show the range of increases and decreases in entitlement to housing benefit. Of those young people without children whose underlying entitlement to housing benefit is shown as decreasing, it is estimated that just over half are in work.