§ Mr. MacKenzieasked the Secretary of State for Scotland what increase there has been in the number of places available to geriatric patients in hospital day centres in Scotland over the course of the last 12 months to the latest convenient date.
§ Mr. RifkindThis information is not centrally available.
§ Mr. MacKenzieasked the Secretary of State for Scotland (I) what increase there has been in the provision of beds for geriatric patients in each regional area in Scotland in the last 12 months to the latest convenient date;
(2) how many hospital beds are available in each health board area for elderly people in need of specialist care and attention.
§ Mr. RifkindThe staffed hospital beds available for elderly patients at 30 September 1984 and September 1985 (the latest available date) were as set out in the table:
30 September 1984 30 September 1985* Argyll and Clyde 984 995 Ayrshire and Arran 704 708 Borders 240 241 Dumfries and Galloway 326 326 Fife 647 657 Forth Valley 601 610 Grampian 1,026 1.008 Greater Glasgow 2,206 2,193 Highland 414 421 Lanarkshire 971 981 Lothian 1,450 1,445 Orkney 52 62 Shetland 87 84 Tayside 886 900 Western Isles 105 90 Scotland 10,699 10,721 * provisional
§ Mr. MacKenzieasked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many elderly men and women are on the waiting list for treatment as geriatric patients in each area health board area.
§ Mr. RifkindThe latest information which is centrally available relates to 30 September 1985 and is provisional:
Number on waiting lists Argyll and Clyde 107 Ayrshire and Arran 94 Borders 41 Dumfries and Galloway 7 Fife 94 Forth Valley 132 Grampian 208 Greater Glasgow * Highland 59
Number on waiting lists Lanarkshire 199 Lothian 240 Orkney 58 Shetland 24 Tayside 70 Western Isles 19 SCOTLAND 1,352 * Not available centrally. Note: Lists tend to overstate numbers of patients waiting for treatment. It is not possible to provide separate figures for men and women.