HC Deb 25 June 1986 vol 100 cc174-8W
Mr. Spearing

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry when he expects to make available to the public and to Parliament the report by the President of the Council of Ministers of the European Economic Community on the completion of the Common Market (11019/85) issued in Brussels on 5 December 1985; and if he will now list in the Official Report the proposals it contains and the policy of Her Majesty's Government in relation to each proposal.

1. Mr. Alan Clark

A copy of the programme is available in the Library of the House. The Internal Market Council on 23 June took note of a new presidency programme of proposals to be discussed by the Council of Ministers during the period 1 July 1986 to 1 July 1987. The Government's policy on each is set out in the explanatory memoranda which are submitted in to the House in accordance with the normal scrutiny procedures. The programme includes a number of items on which Commission proposals are still awaited. Following are the proposals listed in the action programme for the next 12 months:

Control of goods

Various controls

  1. 1. Simplification of Community transit procedure: discontinuance of presentation of transit advice note and guarantee
  2. 2. Duty-free admission of fuel contained in the fuel tanks of commercial motor vehicles
  3. 3. Road transport: abolition of control of quotas at border crossings
  4. 4. Passenger transport: abolition of border controls related to transport authorisations
  5. 5. Introduction of common border posts ("banalisation")
  6. 6. Frontier facilitation of goods traffic (amendment to Directive 83/643 COM(85))
  7. 7. Counterfeit goods
  8. 8. Right of appeal
  9. 9. Temporary importation of containers
  10. 10. Outward processing/Standard exchange
  11. 11. Entry in the accounts
  12. 12. Debtor (person liable for a customs debt)

Veterinary and plant health controls

  1. 13. Live animals of the bovine species: amended eradication directives to provide for final eradication of tuberculosis, brucellosis and leucosis in all member states including Portugal and Spain
  2. 14. Live animals of the porcine species: amend, strengthen and extend directives for the eradication of classical swine fever in the Community as a whole and of African swine fever in Sardinia, Spain and Portugal
  3. 15. Production and trade in medicated feedingstuffs
  4. 16. Boar meat
  5. 17. Personnel responsible for inspection
  6. 18. Minced meat and similar
  7. 19. Antibiotic residues
  8. 20. Control of residues
  9. 21. Pedigree of bovine animals
  10. 22. Pedigree of porcine animals
  11. 23. Aujesky's disease and swine vesicular disease
  12. 24. Semen of animals
  13. 25. Amendment of Directives 72/461/EEC and 72/462/EEC
  14. 26. —Amendment of Directive 77/99/EEC on meat products —Imports of meat products from third world countries (animal and public health)
  15. 27. Definition of Community plant health inspectorate (amending Directive 77/83)
  16. 28. Amendments to Article 15 of Directive 77/93 (improvements to the operation of safeguard provisions)
  17. 29. Amendment of three directives concerning animal feedingstuffs (aflatoxin)
  18. 30. Budget proposal enabling establishment of Community plant health inspectorate
  19. 31. Proposal for a Directive concerning the fixing of guidelines for the evaluation of additives used in animal feedingstuffs
  20. 32. Proposals for fixing maximum levels for pesticide residues in feedingstuffs
  21. 33. Proposal to amend the Annex to Directive 76/895/EEC concerning residues of pesticides on and in fruit and vegetables (ethoxyquin and diphenylamine)
  22. 34. Proposal for the placing of plant protection products on the market
  23. 35. Proposal for the improvement of Community systems of certification of seeds

Control of Individuals

  1. 36. Seventh Directive relating to exemptions in international travel: tax-free sales
  2. 37. Tax reliefs to be allowed on the importation of goods in small consignments of a non-commercial character
  3. 38. Directive on the easing of controls at intra-Community borders

Free movement of goods

New approach in technical harmonisation and standards policy

  1. 39. Proposal for the extension of information procedures on standards and technical rules (amendment of Directive 83/189/EEC)
  2. 40. Recognition of tests and certificates
  3. 41. Proposal for pressure vessels, in order to implement the new approach
  4. 42. Safety of toys
  • Chemical properties of toys
  • Proposal for a Council Directive on electrical toys

Tractors and agricultural machinery

  1. 43. Controls and indicators of agricultural and forestry tractors —COM(80) 849
  2. 44. Roll-over protection structures (incorporating two bars mounted in front of the driver's seat) on narrow-track wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors—COM(84) 400

Motor Vehicles

  1. 45. Measures to be taken against air pollution by gases from engines of motor vehicles
  2. 46. —Exhaust emissions of commercial vehicles
  3. 47. —Diesel particulates
  4. 48. —Speed limits
  5. 49. Motor cycle exhaust noise—COM(84) 438

Food Law

  1. 50. Definition of spirituous beverages and aromatized wines
  2. 176
  3. 51. General Directive on food additives (partial amendment of existing directives)
  4. 52. General Directive on materials and articles in contact with food (amendment)
  5. 53. General Directive on food for particular nutritional uses (amendment)
  6. 54. General Directive on food labelling (amendment)
  7. 55. General Directive on quick-frozen food
  8. 56. Flavourings
  9. 57. Extraction solvents
  10. 58. Preservatives (amendment)
  11. 59. Infact formulae and follow-up milks (dietetic foods)
  12. 60. Cocoa and chocolate-consolidation
  13. 61. Obligation to indicate ingredients and alcoholic strength
  14. 62. Modified starches
  15. 63. Fruit juices etc. (amendment)
  16. 64. Jams etc. (amendment)
  17. 65. Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 79/581/EEC on consumer protection in the indication of the prices of foodstuffs
  18. 66. Additives—colourings—8th amendment (COM(85) 474)
  19. 67. 4th amendment—antidioxides Directive
  20. 68. Proposal on sizes of bottles and other prepackages

Pharmaceuticals and high-technology medicines

  1. 69. Proposals for Directives concerning the placing on the market of high-technology medicinal products including those derived from biotechnology
  2. 70. Proposal amending Directive 75/318/EEC concerning the testing of proprictory medicinal products
  3. 71. Proposal amending Directive 81/852/EEC concerning veterinary medicinal products
  4. 72. Proposal for a Council Recommendation concerning tests relating to the placing on the market of proprietary medicinal products
  5. 73. Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 65/65/EEC concerning proprietary medicinal products

Chemical products

  1. 74. Good laboratory practices and verification of their application in tests on chemical substances COM(85) 380
  2. 75. Proposal for a Directive on the inspection and verification of good laboratory practices
  3. 76. Council Directive relating to "Restrictions on the marketing and use of asbestos"
  4. 77. Classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations

Other items

  1. 78. Limitation of noise emitted by hydraulic and rope-operated excavators and by dozers, loaders and excavator-loaders COM(80) 468
  2. 79. Household appliances: airborne noise
  3. 80. Forklift trucks COM(79) 229
  4. 81. Helicopters' exhaust noise COM(8l) 554
  5. 82. Protection of hotels against fire (proposal for a Recommendation)
  6. 83. Individual protective devices equipment: helmets for motorcycle drivers (result of notification on the basis of Directive 189/83)
  7. 84. Individual protective devices equipment: Safety boots and shoes (idem)
  8. 85. Proposal for a Directive on consumer protection in respect of the indication of prices for non-food products

Public procurement

  1. 86. Improvement of Directives on public procurement: supplies
  2. 87. Improvement of Directives on public procurement: works

Free movement of workers and professional persons

  1. 88. Proposal concerning the harmonization of income tax provisions with respect to the free movement of workers within the Community
  2. 89. Proposals for promoting student mobility and co-operation between further education establishments in different Member States
  3. 90. Proposal for the development of co-operation programmes between Member States for apprentices undergoing vocational training
  4. 91. Proposal for the development of youth exchanges in the Community including young people in vocational training and voluntary work abroad
  5. 92. Proposal for a Directive concerning transitional measures for access to activities in the technical field and for their exercise
  6. 93. Proposal for a Directive concerning the co-ordination of provisions in respect of training of engineers
  7. 94. Proposal for a Directive on the co-ordination of provisions relating to commercial agents
  8. 95. Proposal for a Council Directive on specific training in general medical practice
  9. 96. Right of Establishment:
  10. Proposal for a Directive setting up a general system of mutual recognition of higher education diplomas
  11. 97. Right of residence for nationals of Member States not yet or no longer employed
  12. 98. Proposals for co-operation between higher education and industry for advanced training relating to new technologies (Comett) (COM(85) 431)

Common Market for services

  1. 99. Proposal for a Directive on the annual accounts of banks
  2. 100. Proposal for a Recommendation on the harmonisation of the concept of own funds


  1. 101. Proposal for a Directive to facilitate freedom to provide services in insurance other than life assurance
  2. 102. Proposal for a Directive on co-ordination of laws relating to legal expenses insurance
  3. 103. Proposal for a Directive concerning credit insurance

Transactions in securities

  1. 104. UCITS Directive: Jurisdictional clause
  2. 105. UCITS Directive: Special measures concerning certain investments


  1. 106. Air transport fares
  2. 107. Air transport: bilateral agreements, arrangements and memoranda of understanding between Member States
  3. 108. Air transport: application of EEC Article 85
  4. 109. Review of inter-regional air services Directive
  5. 110. Community quota for the carriage of goods by road between Member States: final stage
  6. 111. Access to the inland waterway freight market
  7. 112. Regulation on unfair pricing practices—maritime transport
  8. 113. Regulation on co-ordinated action to safeguard free access to cargoes in oceanic trade
  9. 114. Regulation applying EEC Article 85 to maritime transport
  10. 115. Non-resident carriers: national transport services
  11. 116. Maritime transport (freedom to provide services in the maritime transport sector)
  12. 117. Liberalisation of coach services

New Technologies and Services

  1. 118. Proposal for a Directive co-ordinating certain aspects of the national laws regulating advertising on radio and television and co-ordinating certain aspects of the national laws regulating copyright in simultaneous cable transmission of programmes
  2. 119. Standardisation of television
  3. 120. Standardisation I.T. and Telecom COM (85) 230

Capital Movements

  1. 121. Proposals for the liberalisation of operations such as the issue, placing and acquisition of securities representing risk capital, transactions in securities issued by Community institutions and long-term commercial credit

Intellectual and industrial property

  1. 122. Community Patent Convention
  2. 123. Creation of a Community Patent Appeal Court
  3. 124. Amended proposal for a Regulation on Community trade marks
  4. 125. Amended proposal for a First Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating 1.0 trade marks
  5. 126. Proposal for a Regulation on the rules needed for implementing the Community trade mark regulation
  6. 127. Proposal for a Directive on legal protection of micro-circuits


  1. 128. Arbitration procedure concerning the elimination of double taxation
  2. 129. Common system of taxation applicable to parent companies and their subsidiaries
  3. 130. Common system of taxation of mergers, divisions and contributions of assets
  4. 131. Harmonization of taxes on transactions in securities

Removal of Fiscal barriers VAT

  1. 132. Proposal for a Council Decision providing for a standstill ensuring:
    • - no proliferation of VAT rates in Member States
    • - no widening of the gap between VAT rates in each Member State
  2. 133. Proposal for a 14th Directive concerning deferred payment on importation
  3. 134. Proposal relating to farmers subject to flat-rate taxation
  4. 135. Proposal on passenger transport
  5. 136. Proposal on special schemes for small businesses
  6. 137. 7th VAT Directive works of art, collectors' items, antiques and used goods
  7. 138. 12th VAT Directive concerning expenditure on which tax is not deductible
  8. 139. 13th VAT Directive concerning tax refunds to persons not established in the Community
  9. 140. 16th VAT Directive concerning imports by final consumers of goods which have already borne tax in another Member State
  10. 141. 18th VAT Directive concerning the abolition of certain derogations (Article 28(3) of Directive 77/388/EEC)
  11. 142. 19th VAT Directive: miscellaneous supplementary and amending provisions of Directive 77/388/EEC
  12. 143. Directive on the stores of ships, aircraft and international trains

Excise Duties

  1. 144. Proposal for a Council Decision providing for a standstill ensuring no introduction of new excise duties which give rise to border formalities
  2. 145. Proposals concerning harmonization of the structure of excise duties on alcoholic drinks
    • COM(72) 225 final
    • COM(82) 153 final
    • COM(85) 150 final
    • COM(85) 151 final
  3. 146. Proposal for excise duties on wine
  4. 147. Proposal concerning the introduction of a third stage concerning the harmonization of the structure of cigarette duty
  5. 148. Proposal concerning the harmonization of the structure of excise duties on mineral oils
  6. 149. Proposal concerning the harmonization of the structures of excise duties on other manufactured tobacco