HC Deb 25 July 1986 vol 102 cc542-4W
Mr. D. E. Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) if he is satisfied with the procedures for civil defence and home defence planning and training in the police forces; and if he will make a statement;

(2) if he is satisfied with the role of the Association of Chief Police Officers in civil defence and home defence planning and training in the police forces; and if he will make a statement;

(3) if he is satisfied with the liaison between the armed forces and the police forces over civil defence and home defence planning and training; and if he will make a statement;

(4) if he will make a statement on Government research into the rôle of the police in civil defence and home defence; and if he will make a statement.;

(5) if he is satisfied with the liaison arrangements as regards contingency planning, preparations and training in the United Kingdom police forces and armed forces, and the relevant North Atlantic Treaty Organisation committees responsible for civil defence and home defence planning; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Giles Shaw

Yes, although no doubt, within the range of the hon. Member's questions, some increased satisfaction could he obtained.

Mr. D. E. Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he has any plans to replace the 1975 document, "Police Manual of Home Defence."

Mr. Giles Shaw

The police manual of Home Defence was replaced by guidance to the police service on war emergency planning in 1985. A copy is in the Library.

Mr. D. E. Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, when he expects his information pack on the police role in civil defence to be completed; how he expects this document to be used in explaining the police role to civil defence volunteers; what other functions he expects the pack to perform; and if it will be available to the general public.

Mr. Giles Shaw

Information on the role of the police in wartime will be included in the training package being prepared by a Home Office working party, and should be available in the autumn. The package will provide recommended material — in the form of instructional notes, student notes and other training aids—for use in the tuition of civil defence volunteers.

Mr. D. E. Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, if he has any plans for the police and armed forces to be involved in the training of civil defence volunteers.

Mr. Giles Shaw

We are satisfied with the present contribution made by the police; the armed forces are not involved.

Mr. D. E. Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list those civil defence publications and other materials that his Department will make available in 1986; when they will be available; and what other materials he has plans for thereafter.

Mr. Giles Shaw

No detailed decisions have yet been taken, but we expect the material to be issued this year and will include: new public information material comprising a film and a booklet; a package of volunteer training material; guidance on the preparation of plans, the planned programme for implementation of the 1983 regulations and research findings.

It is too early to say what will be published thereafter.

Mr. D. E. Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many letters have been sent out to local authorities by Mr. Eric Alley, civil defence adviser to his Department in the period from 21 November 1985 to 1 July 1986; with which authorities Mr. Alley has engaged in correspondence; and if he will publish the text of all such correspondence in the Official Report.

Mr. Giles Shaw

In the period from 21 November 1985 to 1 July 1986 Mr. Alley, civil defence adviser, wrote approximately 66 letters to local authorities. The authorities with whom he has engaged in correspondence are listed below:—

County Councils, FCDAs and Regional Councils
Avon CC Norfolk CC
Bucks CC Lincolnshire CC
Clwyd CC West Glamorgan CC
Devon CC Somerset CC
Dyfed CC Grampian RC
Cornwall CC Gloucestershire CC
Dorset CC Tyne and Wear CC
Tayside RC Merseyside CC
Gwynedd CC West Yorks CC
Wiltshire CC Oxford CC
Surrey CC Oxfordshire CC
Northumberland CC Hertfordshire CC
Leicestershire CC Warwickshire CC
Borders Regional Council Lancashire CC
Greater London Council North Yorks CC
Northants CC West Midlands FCDA
Lothian CC South Yorks FCDA
North Cornwall DC Carmarthen DC
Woodspring DC Vale of Glamorgan BC
Hastings BC Oxford City DC
North Kesteven DC Braintree DC

Publication of the text of all such correspondence would not be appropriate.

Mr. D. E. Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the voluntary organisations that Mr. Eric Alley, civil defence adviser to his Department has met in the period since his appointment, with which such bodies he has engaged in correspondence; and if he will publish the text of all correspondence in the Official Report.

Mr. Giles Shaw

Mr. Alley has met representatives of the WRVS and the National Voluntary Civil Aid Services. A meeting with the national joint emergency executive committee of the Red Cross and St. John is currently being arranged. He has corresponded with all three. It would not be appropriate to publish the texts.

Mr. D. E. Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he has any plans to issue local authorities with guidance on the role of voluntary organisations in civil defence; and if he intends to identify specific such organisations.

Mr. Giles Shaw

Guidance is already included in emergency planning guidance to local authorities issued in 1985.