HC Deb 24 July 1986 vol 102 c375W
Mr. Simon Hughes

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list those people and bodies which have made representations to him on the subject of planning appeals at Falfield, Hicks Common and Charfield, in the county of Avon.

Mr. Tracey

My Department has so far received representations in respect of the Hicks Common appeal from 260 individuals as well as from the Winterbourne parish council and the Winterbourne Society. No representations have yet been received in respect of the Charfield appeal. To date, no appeal has been received in respect of proposed residential development at Falfield.

Mr. Simon Hughes

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment on how many occasions, and in relation to which sites, in each of the last three years for which figures are available, a shortfall in the landbank has been a material consideration in his decisions to allow appeals against refusals of planning consent contrary to the Avon county structure plans.

Mr. Tracey

The availability of land for housing is a material consideration in all appeals involving residential development. It is not possible in the time available, except at disproportionate cost, to list all those cases in Avon has been subsequently allowed on appeal. However, housing land availability was a determining factor in the following large-scale residential appeals in Avon allowed in the last three years:

  • The Deans, Portishead
  • Weston Big Wood, Portishead
  • Castle Farm, Wickwar