HC Deb 23 July 1986 vol 102 c321W
Mr. D. E. Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for Defence what information he has on (a) chemical weapons, (b) biological weapons, (c) nerve gas and (d) unsafeguarded military plutonium stocks held by the United States of America.

Mr. Stanley

The report of the United States Chemical Warfare Review Commission and the annual report by the United States Secretary of Defence for the fiscal year 1987, copies of which are in the Library of the House, indicate that the United States has a limited retaliatory stockpile of chemical weapons, which includes nerve agents. As a party to the 1972 biological weapons convention the United States has renounced the possession of biological weapons. My Department has no details of the United States' stockpile of unsafeguarded military plutonium. Particulars of United States' capabilities are, in any case, a matter for that Government.